tvo / rapid

Commandline client for Spring rapid downloading system
7 stars 6 forks source link




You can use pip to get the package from the Python Package Index.

pip install rapid-spring --upgrade

Note: on some Linux distributions the script is called pip-python instead of just pip. The python-devel or python-dev package may be required to install bitarray.

If you do not have the script pip available then use your distribution's package manager to install the python-pip (or similar) package.

apt-get install python-pip   # Debian/Ubuntu
yum install python-pip       # Fedora


As there is currently no binary package, go through the following steps to run rapid on Windows:

Why python 2.6? Simple answer: bitarray binary packages are not available yet for python 2.7


rapid [options...] <verb>  [arguments...]

Where the different verbs and their arguments are:


rapid pin xta:latest   # installs latest XTA
rapid pin s44:latest   # installs latest Spring: 1944
rapid upgrade          # upgrade all pinned tags

Other commands are for power users mostly, e.g.:

rapid list-tags '^(?!ba).*:(latest|stable|test)$' --regex

This displays all tags ending with ':latest', ':stable' or ':test', which do not start with the string 'ba'.



Please file any other bugs you find on the issue tracker.

Feature suggestions

Exported from git commit $Format:%h%d$