tvpham / iq

An R package to estimate relative protein abundances from ion quantification in DIA-MS-based proteomics
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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iq: an R package for protein quantification

This R package provides an implementation of the MaxLFQ algorithm by Cox et al. (2014) in a comprehensive pipeline for DIA-MS (Pham et al. 2020). It also offers options for protein quantification using the N most intense fragment ions, using all fragment ions, and the Tukey's median polish algorithm. In general, the tool can be used to integrate multiple proportional observations into a single quantitative value.


Pham TV, Henneman AA, Jimenez CR. iq: an R package to estimate relative protein abundances from ion quantification in DIA-MS-based proteomics, Bioinformatics 2020 Apr 15;36(8):2611-2613.


The package is hosted on CRAN. It is best to install from within R.



The package can be loaded in the usual manner


See a recent example for processing a Spectronaut output.

Or an older vignette for processing output from Spectronaut, OpenSWATH and MaxQuant with some visualization.

To process a DIA-NN output

                    output_filename = "report-pg-global.tsv", 
                    annotation_col = c("Protein.Names", "Genes"),
                    filter_double_less = c("Global.Q.Value" = "0.01", "Global.PG.Q.Value" = "0.01"))  

Use the paramter peptide_extractor if you want to get the number of peptides per protein.

                    output_filename = "report-pg-global.tsv", 
                    annotation_col = c("Protein.Names", "Genes"),
                    filter_double_less = c("Global.Q.Value" = "0.01", "Global.PG.Q.Value" = "0.01"),
                    peptide_extractor = function(x) gsub("[0-9].*$", "", x))  

To process a Spectronaut output

Use this export schema to make a long report, for example "Spectronaut_Report.xls".

                    output_filename = "iq-MaxLFQ.tsv", 
                    sample_id  = "R.FileName",
                    primary_id = "PG.ProteinGroups",
                    secondary_id = c("EG.Library", "FG.Id", "FG.Charge", "F.FrgIon", "F.Charge", "F.FrgLossType"),
                    intensity_col = "F.PeakArea",
                    annotation_col = c("PG.Genes", "PG.ProteinNames", "PG.FastaFiles"),
                    filter_string_equal = c("F.ExcludedFromQuantification" = "False"),
                    filter_double_less = c("PG.Qvalue" = "0.01", "EG.Qvalue" = "0.01"),
                    log2_intensity_cutoff = 0)


Processing a DIA-NN output #### Processing a DIA-NN output We processed the Bruderer15 dataset (Bruderer et al., _MCP_ 2015) using [DIA-NN]( 1.8.1 (Demichev et al., _Nature Methods_ 2020) with the switch `--report-lib-info` turned on. The switch gives an extra column `Fragment.Info` to test iq's new feature. Usually, the user does not need to turn it on. Download [DIA-NN output]( and unzip the file to obtain the long format ouput `report.tsv`. A protein group report for downstream analysis can be obtained with a single statement in R ``` library(iq) process_long_format("report.tsv", output_filename = "report-pg.tsv") ``` As an aside, usually the user wants to include additional annotation columns in the final report. This is possible by specifying the `annotation_col` parameter. ``` process_long_format("report.tsv", output_filename = "report-pg-annotated.tsv", annotation_col = c("Protein.Names", "Genes")) ``` Also, by default, we filter the report at 1% run-sepcific FDR at both precursor level and protein group level. To filter global FDR (available with a recent version of DIA-NN), use the parameter `filter_double_less`. ``` process_long_format("report.tsv", output_filename = "report-pg-global.tsv", annotation_col = c("Protein.Names", "Genes"), filter_double_less = c("Global.Q.Value" = "0.01", "Global.PG.Q.Value" = "0.01")) ``` We continue with loading the result file `report-pg.tsv` to check the quantitative values of the spike-in proteins. For convenience, we will use the spike-in protein names instead of the protein group names. ``` pg <- read.delim("report-pg.tsv") rownames(pg) <- pg$Protein.Group spike_ins <- c("P02754", "P80025", "P00921", "P00366", "P02662", # mix 1 "P61823", "P02789", "P12799", "P02676", "P02672", # mix 2 "P02666", "P68082") # mix 3 # change rownames to spike_ins names for (i in 1: length(spike_ins)) { rownames(pg)[grep(spike_ins[i], rownames(pg))] <- spike_ins[i] } ``` ##### Mix 1 Here is the ground truth for proteins in Mix 1 (P02754, P80025, P00921, P00366, P02662). Each sample was measured in triplicate. |Sample|relative|fmol/ul| |------|--------|-------| |1|1|1.5| |2|1.1|1.65| |3|1.21|1.815| |4|1.33|1.995| |5|10|15| |6|11.01|16.515| |7|12.11|18.165| |8|13.33|19.995| ``` matplot(t(pg[spike_ins[1:5], 2:25]), type = 'b', col = 1:5 , pch=19, lwd = 3, ylab="log2 MaxLFQ", main = "Mix 1", xlab = "8 samples x 3 replicates") legend("topleft", legend = spike_ins[1:5], col = 1:5, pch=19, bty = "n") ``` ![Mix 1](images/spikein-mix1.svg) We see that the triplicates are consistent and the spikeins in first 4 samples (12 runs) are about 10 fold down as expected (log2(10) ~ 3.3). ##### Mix 2 Here is the ground truth of proteins in Mix 2 (P61823, P02789, P12799, P02676, P02672). |Sample|relative|fmol/ul| |------|--------|-------| |1|200|100| |2|125.99|62.995| |3|79.37|39.685| |4|50|25| |5|4|2| |6|2.52|1.26| |7|1.59|0.795| |8|1|0.5| ``` matplot(t(pg[spike_ins[6:10], 2:25]), type = 'b', col = 1:5 , pch=19, lwd = 3, ylab="log2 MaxLFQ", main = "Mix 2", xlab = "8 samples x 3 replicates") legend("topright", legend = spike_ins[6:10], col = 1:5, pch=19, bty = "n") ``` ![Mix 2](images/spikein-mix2.svg) In this mix, proteins in the first 4 samples are higher. Fold change between sample 1 and sample 5 is 50, which is approximately 5.6 in log2 space. ##### Mix 3 Here is the ground truth of proteins in Mix 3 (P02666, P68082). |Sample|relative|fmol/ul| |------|--------|-------| |1|1|0.05| |2|4|0.2| |3|16|0.8| |4|64|3.2| |5|256|12.8| |6|1024|51.2| |7|4096|204.8| |8|16384|819.2| ``` matplot(t(pg[spike_ins[11:12], 2:25]), type = 'b', col = 1:6 , pch=19, lwd = 3, ylab="log2 MaxLFQ", main = "Mix 3", xlab = "8 samples x 3 replicates") legend("topleft", legend = spike_ins[11:12], col = 1:2, pch=19, bty = "n") ``` ![Mix 3](images/spikein-mix3.svg) In this mix, the protein concentration increases 4 fold from sample 1 to sample 8. Thus, we expect a staircase shape with an increase of 2 in log2 space. ##### Random 12 proteins ``` set.seed(0) matplot(t(pg[sample(1:nrow(pg), 12), 2:25]), type = 'b', col = 1:6 , pch=19, lwd = 3, ylab="log2 MaxLFQ", main = "Random 12 proteins", xlab = "8 samples x 3 replicates") ``` ![Random 12](images/spikein-random.svg) This is a set of 12 random proteins in the background. High abundance proteins show a consistent pattern while lower abundance proteins exhibits more variation and missing data, which is expected from mass spectrometry-based proteomics data.
Spectronaut output versus DIA-NN output #### Spectronaut output versus DIA-NN output The iq package has a dataset of 12 spikein protein from the Bruderer 15 dataset processed by the Spectronaut software. We will turn this dataset into something like DIA-NN output to better understand the parameters. The following will produce a file `spikeins-diann.tsv` in your workspace. ``` library(iq) data("spikeins") precursor <- paste(spikeins$EG.ModifiedSequence, spikeins$FG.Charge, sep = "_") d <- NULL for (p in unique(precursor)) { b <- spikeins[precursor == p,] for (s in unique(as.character(b$R.Condition))) { ss <- b[b$R.Condition == s,] d <- rbind(d, list(File.Name = s, Protein.Group = as.character(ss$PG.ProteinGroups[1]), Genes = as.character(ss$PG.Genes[1]), Precursor.Id = p, Fragment.Quant.Corrected = paste(ss$F.PeakArea, collapse = ";"), Fragment.Info = paste(paste(ss$F.FrgIon, ss$F.Charge, sep="_"), collapse = ";"))) } } write.table(d, "spikeins-diann.tsv", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE) ``` Examine the file `spikeins-diann.tsv` to see the difference with Spectronaut output, for example by typing `head(spikeins)` in your R console. ##### Standard iq processing This is an example code in standard iq processing. The result `result$estimate` contains quantitative values of the 12 proteins. Note that the data has been normalized. So in the preprocessing, we set median normalization to `FALSE`. ``` norm_data <- preprocess(spikeins, median_normalization = FALSE, pdf_out = NULL) protein_list <- create_protein_list(norm_data) result <- create_protein_table(protein_list) ``` ##### Process DIA-NN output using pure R The standard R processing for DIA-NN output is as follows. Because the default values were set to Spectronaut output, you will need to specify the columns values. Note that `intensity_col` and `intensity_col_id` contain `;` separated values. ``` raw <- read.delim("spikeins-diann.tsv") norm_data2 <- preprocess(raw, sample_id = "File.Name", primary_id = "Protein.Group", secondary_id = "Precursor.Id", intensity_col = "Fragment.Quant.Corrected", median_normalization = FALSE, intensity_col_sep = ";", intensity_col_id = "Fragment.Info") protein_list2 <- create_protein_list(norm_data2) result2 <- create_protein_table(protein_list2) ``` The result of processing DIA-NN output should be equal to that of processing Spectronaut data (up to machine numerical accuracy). ``` max(result$estimate - result2$estimate) min(result$estimate - result2$estimate) identical(rownames(result$estimate), rownames(result2$estimate)) identical(colnames(result$estimate), colnames(result2$estimate)) ``` You can plot a particular protein to see all its observed fragments. ``` plot_protein(protein_list2$P00366, main = "Protein P00366") ``` ![P00366](images/P00366.svg) ##### Fast processing You can also use the fast implementation of MaxLFQ. Again, the parameters need to be specified because the data has been filtered and normalized. ``` iq_dat <- fast_read("spikeins-diann.tsv", sample_id = "File.Name", primary_id = "Protein.Group", secondary_id = "Precursor.Id", intensity_col = "Fragment.Quant.Corrected", intensity_col_sep = ";", intensity_col_id = "Fragment.Info", filter_string_equal = NULL, filter_double_less = NULL, annotation_col = NULL) iq_norm_data <- fast_preprocess(iq_dat$quant_table, median_normalization = FALSE) result_fastest <- fast_MaxLFQ(iq_norm_data, row_names = iq_dat$protein[, 1], col_names = iq_dat$sample) max(result$estimate - result_fastest$estimate) min(result$estimate - result_fastest$estimate) identical(rownames(result$estimate), rownames(result_fastest$estimate)) identical(colnames(result$estimate), colnames(result_fastest$estimate)) ``` ##### Oneliner Finally, the data can be processed in one statement. Note that the parameter `normalization` is not a logical (`TRUE` or `FALSE`), but a string `"none"` or `"median"` (default). This is to support different normalization methods in the future. ``` process_long_format("spikeins-diann.tsv", output_filename = "spikeins-diann-out.tsv", filter_double_less = NULL, normalization = "none") ``` The output `spikeins-diann-out.tsv` should be equal to the existing R processing. ``` out <- read.delim("spikeins-diann-out.tsv") rownames(out) <- out$Protein.Group out <- out[rownames(result$estimate),] max(result$estimate - out[, colnames(result$estimate)]) min(result$estimate - out[, colnames(result$estimate)]) ```