tw4l / bulk-reviewer

DEPRECATED. Replaced with Electron desktop application:
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
13 stars 1 forks source link

Bulk Reviewer logo

Identify, review, and remove sensitive files.

Build Status

Note: This project has been deprecated in favor of an Electron desktop application. For the actively developed and maintained project, see: Bulk Reviewer desktop application

Bulk Reviewer is a software program that aids in identification, review, and removal of sensitive files in directories and disk images. Bulk Reviewer scans directories and disk images for personally identifiable information (PII) and other sensitive information using bulk_extractor, a best-in-class digital forensics tool, and can optionally extract named entities (personal names as well as nationalities, religions, and political affiliations) using spaCy and Apache Tika. A browser application enables users to configure, start, and review scans, generate reports, and export files, separating problematic files (e.g., those requiring redaction or further review) from those that are free of sensitive information.

Bulk Reviewer consists of two separate applications that communicate via websockets and a REST API:

Currently, Bulk Reviewer can scan directories and disk images for:

Scanners planned but not yet implemented include:

Contributions are welcome!

Initial development of Bulk Reviewer occurred while the author, Tim Walsh, was a 2018 Summer Fellow at the Library Innovation Lab at Harvard University. The application is designed to aid archivists and librarians in processing and providing access to digital collections but may be useful in other domains as well. The application is currently under active development, and is still in the exploratory/prototype phase.

Interested in getting involved? Get in touch!

Development installation

Requires Docker CE, Docker-Compose, and Vue CLI 3.

Minimum resources required to be allocated to Docker for development (higher specs are recommended; bulk_extractor performance will increase linearly with additional CPUs, spaCy NLP performance will increase with additional RAM):

Clone repository to local machine

git clone
cd bulk-reviewer

Set environment variables


This script copies server/br_sample.env to br.env, which is used to set environment variables for Django and Postgres. To modify the values for the Postgres database name, username, and password, change the appropriate values in the resulting br.env file prior to starting the Docker containers.

Configure docker-compose volumes

The current configuration for sharing data between the host development machine and the server and worker Docker containers assumes a macOS development environment. Development in Linux or Windows may require changing the volume configuration to be appropriate for the local machine:

- /Users:/Users
- /Volumes:/Volumes

These two volumes are used only for giving the worker and server containers access to data to scan with bulk_extractor. For development on Linux or Windows, change these two volumes for the worker and server containers in docker-compose.yml to appropriate values such as - /home:/home (Linux) or - C:\Users:/Users (Windows) - this will determine which directories/files are accessible to Bulk Reviewer from the host machine.

Start containers

docker-compose up -d

The first time you do this, it will take a while (on my laptop, around 10 minutes). Much of this time is spent installing dependencies for and then building bulk_extractor.

Start frontend development server

cd client

Install node_modules (required first time only):

npm install

Start webpack dev server:

npm run serve

Open application in browser

Open in your browser (any recent version of Firefox or Chrome).


To run Tox/flake8 locally, create a /usr/share/bulk_extractor (Linux) or /usr/local/share/bulk_extractor (macOS) directory and move the helper scripts in the server/bulk_extractor directory into it. This will place required Python DFXML libraries into their expected paths; otherwise you may encounter module import errors.


Bulk Reviewer is distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for additional details.

Bulk Reviewer packages open source software developed by third parties. Licenses and attributions are retained here where applicable. Notable open source software included or packaged with Bulk Reviewer for convenience and to maintain stable download URLs for builds include:

Logo design

Bailey McGinn