tweecode / twine

UI for creating hypertext stories
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Passage title tooltips in the main map panel? #6

Closed Philip-Sutton closed 10 years ago

Philip-Sutton commented 12 years ago

In the main window that maps all the passages, I'd like to be able to hover the cursor over a passage and see the full title of the passage as a tool tip. Maybe it should be possible for the user to switch this function on and off by checking/unchecking a toggle box? This enhancement would be extremely helpful for assisting navigation around the map when the number of passages is large. (I'm very keen for this enhancement to be a very high priority. :)

HarmlessTrouble commented 11 years ago

Any takers to implement this polish?

webbedspace commented 10 years ago

I've already set tooltips to show a large sample of the passage text and tags, but I could easily include the title as well.

I guess this refers specifically to navigation while zoomed-out? In which case, I believe showing the passage text is already about as helpful as showing the title (if not more so).