tweecode / twine

UI for creating hypertext stories
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Twine 1


A visual tool for creating interactive stories for the Web, based on the Twee story engine. Twine 1 is written primarily in Python and Javascript, with UI widgets provided by wxPython. Twine was written by Chris Klimas. More information is available at

Twine 1 development has ceased.

A web-application "sequel" to Twine 1, called Twine 2, has been development see:
Its repositories are here and here.


The easiest way to install Twine 1 is to download the installable versions for Windows or Mac OS X:

From source code to a working Twine 1 - running on Python in Windows

The most basic way to use Twine 1 v1.4.3 is run it through Python. To set up, carry out these three steps in order:

Twine 1 on Windows – independent of Python

The next steps in this section build on the three steps in the section above.

The aim this time is to compile the unzipped source code into a set of stand-alone files that can allow Twine 1 to run independently of Python.

You will find the new compiled Twine files inside the “dist” folder and inside that they are in the “win32” folder. ie. \dist\win32\

The key file inside the win32 folder is “twine.exe”. If you double click on the twine.exe file then Twine 1 will start up without needing to use Python. You can activate Twine 1 by placing a Windows shortcut wherever it suits you.

Creating a Twine 1 installer for Windows

This is the most liberating of the set-up processes – allowing non-expert users to easily install Twine 1.4.3 on Windows computers.

Care needs to be taken with this process because it’s easy for errors to block the creation of the installer.

When the NSIS program has completed working through the install.nsi script, you will find the newly created “twine-1.4.3-win.exe” in the “dist” sub-folder in the twine-master folder.

Set up a development environment

You can set up a development environment if you want to contribute to the Twine 1 dev project or if you want to run Twine on another platform (such as Linux).

You may want to run your development environment in a virtualenv:

virtualenv tweecode
cd tweecode/
source bin/activate

Get the code:

git clone

Install required modules (note, wxPython will need to be installed separately from the pip requirements):

cd twine/
pip install -r requirements.txt

You also need to install py2exe (on Windows) or py2app (on OS X) to compile standalone binaries.

Other than that, you should now have a working Twine setup. To start Twine:


Contributing to Twine 1 maintenance

Warning - there has been no active response to issues with Twine 1.4.2 / 1.4.3 since about 2014. If you want to do anything to fix bugs in Twine 1.4.3 you might have to find somebody with skills in Python 2.7 (with wxPython) programming, and html, CSS, and Javaascript - and then do the fixes yourselves.

If you have bug fixes for Twine 1.4.3, the easiest way to contribute them back is as follows:

To report bugs, issues or feature requests, use the github issues system.