twilio-labs / plugin-queued-callbacks-and-voicemail

MIT License
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Queued Callbacks and Voicemail for Flex

The Queued Callback and Voicemail for Flex plugin helps Flex admins automate handling of agent callback requests from customers instead of having them wait longer in a queue.

Set up


To deploy this plugin, you will need:

Twilio Account Settings

Before we begin, we need to collect all the config values we need to run the application:

Config Value Description
Account Sid Your primary Twilio account identifier - find this in the Console.
Serverless Deployment Domain The resulting Serverless domain name after deploying your Twilio Functions
Workspace SID Your Flex Task Assignment workspace SID - find this in the Console TaskRouter Workspaces page

Local development

After the above requirements have been met:

  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Change into the public subdirectory of the repo and run the following:
cd plugin-queued-callbacks-and-voicemail/public && mv appConfig.example.js appConfig.js
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Deploy your Twilio Functions and Assets

  2. Run the application

twilio flex:plugins:start

See Twilio Account Settings to locate the necessary environment variables.

  1. Run the application
npm start

Alternatively, you can use this command to start the server in development mode. It will reload whenever you change any files.

npm run dev
  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000

That's it!

Twilio Serverless deployment

You need to deploy the functions associated with the Callback and Voicemail Flex plugin to your Flex instance. The functions are called from the plugin you will deploy in the next step and integrate with TaskRouter, passing in required attributes to generate the callback and voicemail tasks, depending on the customer selection while listening to the in-queue menu options.

Pre-deployment Steps

  1. From the root directory of your copy of the source code, change into serverless and rename .env.example to .env.
cd serverless && mv .env.example .env
  1. Open .env with your text editor and modify TWILIO_WORKSPACE_SID with your Flex Task Assignment SID.
  1. To deploy your Callback and Voicemail functions and assets, run the following:
$ twilio serverless:deploy --assets

## Example Output
Deploying functions & assets to the Twilio Runtime
Env Variables
⠇ Creating 4 Functions
✔ Serverless project successfully deployed

Deployment Details


Note: Copy and save the domain returned when you deploy a function. You will need it in the next step. If you forget to copy the domain, you can also find it by navigating to Functions > API in the Twilio Console.

Debugging Tip: Pass the -l or logging flag to review deployment logs. For example, you can pass -l debug to turn on debugging logs.

Deploy your Flex Plugin

Once you have deployed the function, it is time to deploy the plugin to your Flex instance.

Run the following commands in the plugin root directory. We will leverage the Twilio CLI to build and deploy the Plugin.

  1. Rename .env.example to .env.

  2. Open .env with your text editor and modify the REACT_APP_SERVICE_BASE_URL property to the Domain name you copied in the previous step. Make sure to prefix it with "https://".

    plugin-queued-callbacks-and-voicemail $ mv .env.example .env
    # .env
  3. When you are ready to deploy the plugin, run the following in a command shell:

    plugin-queued-callbacks-and-voicemail $ twilio flex:plugins:deploy --major --changelog "Updating to use the latest Twilio CLI Flex plugin" --description "Queued callbacks and voicemail"
  4. To enable the plugin on your contact center, follow the suggested next step on the deployment confirmation. To enable it via the Flex UI, see the Plugins Dashboard documentation.


The serverless implementation can be customized using the file options.private.js. Options include:




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