twilio / twilio-chat-console-webapp.js

Web Console example app for Twilio Programmable Chat with working push messages
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fcm firebase webapp


This repository contains example webapp with Twilio Programmable Chat client usage. This webapp supports FCM pushes in browsers supporting FCM.

FCM configuration

You will have to create the FCM credentials by yourself.

Also, you will need to create credentials in the Twilio Console with created certificates and app identifiers and store it in configuration.json file.

  1. You can get the Firebase configuration for the web app through Firebase Console
  2. The configuration you got then should be stored in the fcmConfig -> firebaseConfig JSON object.
  3. The manifest.json configuration should be saved in the fcmConfig -> manifest JSON object.

Keep in mind, that to send pushes you have to turn on the push features for your service instance via Twilio Console

Console webapp

The app is served on localhost using express.js app on port 3000. The app uses ngrok to expose the token provider to the internet - be careful with exposing your actual credentials and secrets to the internet. It is possible to configure the ngrok to use predefined subdomain via configuration.json file:

  "ngrokSubdomain": "somengroksubdomain",

In the result, the app and all it's supporting files are available on http://localhost:3000 and https://<yourngroksudbomain> Additionally, ngrok exposes it's own status and inspect endpoint at http://localhost:4040.

All JS and json files used in the project are served through the app.js:

Token provider

Configuration for token provider is stored in the configuration.json file. The example with correct structure can be learned from configuration.example.json.

tokenGenerator JSON array contains keys needed for token composition (accountSid, signingKeySid, signingKeySecret and serviceSid keys) and Credential SID for FCM you've created earlier (fcm key):

  "tokenGenerator": {
    "accountSid": "ACxxx",
    "signingKeySid": "SKxxx",
    "signingKeySecret": "xxx",
    "serviceSid": "ISxxx",
    "fcm": "CRxxx"

Token provider is served on http://localhost:3000/token or https://<yourngroksubdomain>

Running the app

  1. do the npm install
  2. update the configuration.json with your information
  3. run app with npm start
  4. open the ngrok url printed in the console in your favorite browsers (keep in mind that FCM is supported in Chrome and Firefox only)