twilio / twilio-conversations-demo-ios-swift

Twilio Conversations for iOS Demo application in Swift
MIT License
17 stars 18 forks source link
conversations demo-app reference-implementation twilio twilio-conversations

Conversations Demo Application Overview

This demo app SDK version:

Getting Started

Welcome to the Conversations Demo application. This application demonstrates a basic conversations client application with the ability to create and join conversations, add other participants into the conversations and exchange messages.

What you'll minimally need to get started:


Add GoogleService-Info.plist

Generate GoogleService-Info.plist.

You may skip this step if you do not need the Firebase crash reporting. Find the line with FirebaseApp.configure() in the AppDelegate.swift file and remove it to disable Firebase.


Set the value of ACCESS_TOKEN_SERVICE_URL in scheme settings to point to a valid Access-Token server. It should be an URL of the backend function (see below) that would generate access tokens for your app. This function will be given identity and password as query parameters.

# The resulting url will be https://some.token-generator.url/?identity=user&password=user_password

This token generator should return HTTP 401 if case of invalid credentials.

For testing purposes it is possible to create a simple token generator using twilio function:

  1. Create a new function in Twilio functions using template Blank
  2. On the next line add /token-service to the PATH. Copy the whole PATH and use it as ACCESS_TOKEN_SERVICE_URL (see above)
  3. Uncheck the Check for valid Twilio signature checkbox
  4. Insert the following code:
    // If you do not want to pay for other people using your Twilio service for their benefit,
    // generate user and password pairs different from what is presented here
    let users = {
    user00: "password00", !!! CHANGE THE PASSWORD AND REMOVE THIS NOTE !!!
    user01: "password01"  !!! CHANGE THE PASSWORD AND REMOVE THIS NOTE !!!

let response = new Twilio.Response(); let headers = { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', };

exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) { response.setHeaders(headers); if (!event.identity || !event.password) { response.setStatusCode(401); response.setBody("No credentials"); callback(null, response); return; }

if (users[event.identity] != event.password) {
    response.setBody("Wrong credentials");
    callback(null, response);

let AccessToken = Twilio.jwt.AccessToken;
let token = new AccessToken(
  context.TWILIO_API_SECRET, {
    identity: event.identity,
    ttl: 3600

let grant = new AccessToken.ChatGrant({ serviceSid: context.SERVICE_SID });
grant.pushCredentialSid = context.PUSH_CREDENTIAL_SID; 

callback(null, response);


5. Save the function
6. Open [Configure]( page and setup values for the following `Environment Variables`:
- Open [Conversational Messaging](
- Select `View Service` near the `Default Conversation Service`
- Copy the `Service SID`
- Also navigate to `Push configuration` and enable all types of notifications for receiving FCM messages 
- Create an API KEY [here](
- Create new push credentials [here](

### Optionally setup Firebase Crashlytics

If you want to see crashes reported to crashlytics:
1. [Set up Crashlytics in the Firebase console](

2. Login into application and navigate to `Menu -> Simulate crash in` in order to check that crashes coming into Firebase console.

## Push Notifications

The most up to date documentation for configuring Push Notifications can be found [on this page](

The code is already in place for you in this repository. The only remaining setup you will need to perform is found under the following sections on that page:

* [Enable push notifications for your Service instance](
* [Provisioning Apple Developer credentials for APN Pushes](

After that you should be completely set up to receive push notifications.

If you do run into any issues, here is a non-exhaustive checklist of things to double check:

1. Confirm that you have completed Step 9 for your authentication service or Twilio Function (mentioned above).
2. When generating a Push Notification Certificate in the Apple Developer Portal, do choose a `Sandbox/Production` certificate.
3. Ensure that `Use this credential for sending to a sandbox APN` is checked for your Push Credentials in the Twilio Console when testing push notifications on a non-App Store build.
4. Test push notifications on a physical device as the simulator will not receive them.
5. If you have changed your push notification configuration in the Twilio Console and you have tried all these steps, you can also delete any Bindings for your Conversation Service, then try signing in again in the application with a fresh install.

## Testing

Prepare Mockingbird

$ xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies $ DERIVED_DATA=$(xcodebuild -showBuildSettings | pcregrep -o1 'OBJROOT = (/.*)/Build') $ (cd "${DERIVED_DATA}/SourcePackages/checkouts/mockingbird" && make install-prebuilt)

Download starter pack

$ mockingbird download starter-pack

If you want to know more about testing framework please refer to the repo of [Mockingbird](

## License