twilio / voice-quickstart-android

Quickstart app for the Voice Android SDK
MIT License
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Getting Error on Twilml Application #470

Closed marslannasr7koncepts closed 2 years ago

marslannasr7koncepts commented 3 years ago

Receiving Call working fine no issue getting Congratulation message but when calling simply not adding any name or something just getting message Congratulation getting error.

Sorry an Error has been occurred.


Please let me know I am stuck on that point no idea where things are going wrong.

kbagchiGWC commented 3 years ago

Can you provide a CallSid or your Application Sid used in the access token? Please make sure the Voice URL is accessible.

marslannasr7koncepts commented 3 years ago

Thanks for replying I am still facing issue unable to get response from make-call end point in Twiml Application.

Yes Sure I will provide CallSid.

But one thing Application SID used in access token I am not doing this.?

I am getting access token using this command and pasting it in sample quick start android app code


marslannasr7koncepts commented 3 years ago

CallSide: CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722

I am not getting this Point Application Sid used in the accesstoken Please help me out on this I am just getting token using

BASE_URL/accesstoken and getting it and just paste it in android code.

Can you provide a CallSid or your Application Sid used in the access token? Please make sure the Voice URL is accessible.

kbagchiGWC commented 3 years ago

Can you please explain your use case of the Voice Android SDK? This is the TwiML(which is not a TwiML) I see for this call with call sid CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722. What is the expected outcome?

  "sid": "CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722",
  "accountSid": "ACbb3axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "to": "client:alice",
  "toFormatted": "alice",
  "from": "client:quick_start",
  "fromFormatted": "quick_start",
  "status": "queued",
  "priceUnit": "USD",
  "direction": "outbound-api",
  "apiVersion": "2010-04-01",
  "uri": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACbb3axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Calls/CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722.json",
  "subResourceUris": {
    "notifications": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACbb3axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Calls/CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722/Notifications.json",
    "recordings": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACbb3axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Calls/CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722/Recordings.json"
  "callerId": "",
  "queueTime": 0
marslannasr7koncepts commented 3 years ago

I am getting response when dialing empty call to default user alice.

Sorry an Error has been occurred.

But when calling from placecall end point I am able to receive call via notification and getting Congratulation message but not on make-call.


Stuck on this point from app side getting error not Congratulation message but when getting call from notification able to get Congratulation message but not from app side mention in screenshot

Can you please explain your use case of the Voice Android SDK? This is the TwiML I see for this call for call sid CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722. What is the expected outcome?

  "sid": "CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722",
  "accountSid": "ACbb3axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "to": "client:alice",
  "toFormatted": "alice",
  "from": "client:quick_start",
  "fromFormatted": "quick_start",
  "status": "queued",
  "priceUnit": "USD",
  "direction": "outbound-api",
  "apiVersion": "2010-04-01",
  "uri": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACbb3axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Calls/CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722.json",
  "subResourceUris": {
    "notifications": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACbb3axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Calls/CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722/Notifications.json",
    "recordings": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACbb3axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Calls/CA575808a4ba99f10db3159533dc952722/Recordings.json"
  "callerId": "",
  "queueTime": 0
kbagchiGWC commented 3 years ago

Did you complete Step 4?

marslannasr7koncepts commented 3 years ago

Yes I have completed it and starting the Server of NodJs and also getting a http path using ngrok.


Pasting the ngrok path on Twiml Application where I am creating it and giving a base url/make-call path too but getting error.

when making a call.


Did you complete Step 4?

kbagchiGWC commented 3 years ago

After you get the App Sid, make sure to update the Server/.env file.

marslannasr7koncepts commented 3 years ago

I am updating all of this in Server/.env but issue is when hitting the link in Browser or from mobile app.

Getting Error on make-call end Point and also an error message on app Side Sorry an Error has been Occurred instead of Congratulation message but for placecall end Point I am able to get Congratulation message

After you get the App Sid, make sure to update the Server/.env file.

kbagchiGWC commented 3 years ago

There two app sids under your account. None of them are valid and return 404 Not found: AP97bXXX15b3c4XXXX2b55acdfdeXXXcf0 pointing to APad0493e2a565eXXXX07e09XXX3XXXea3 pointing to

Check the voice URL the app sid (you are using) is referring to. It needs to be a valid URL. If you need further help, please open a support ticket.

marslannasr7koncepts commented 3 years ago

This is because is getting expired thats why 404 error coming yes I am in talk with support team as well and waiting for there response

There two app sids under your account. None of them are valid and return 404 Not found: AP97bXXX15b3c4XXXX2b55acdfdeXXXcf0 pointing to APad0493e2a565eXXXX07e09XXX3XXXea3 pointing to

Check the voice URL the app sid (you are using) is referring to. It needs to be a valid URL. If you need further help, please open a support ticket.

kbagchiGWC commented 3 years ago


Have you considered using twiml-bins or Twilio Functions?.

kbagchiGWC commented 2 years ago

Please open a new ticket if you need further help.