Please ensure that you are not sharing any
Personally Identifiable Information(PII)
or sensitive account information (API keys, credentials, etc.) when reporting an issue.
[Description of the issue]
Steps to Reproduce
[Step one]
[Step two]
[Insert as many steps as needed]
// Code that helps reproduce the issue
Expected Behavior
[What you expect to happen]
Actual Behavior
[What actually happens]
Reproduces How Often
[What percentage of the time does it reproduce?]
Twilio Call SID(s)
You can find the Call SID in the SDK using Call.getSid() or CallInvite.getCallSid(). The Call SID can also be found on the Twilio Calls Console:
[Description of the issue]
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Behavior
[What you expect to happen]
Actual Behavior
[What actually happens]
Reproduces How Often
[What percentage of the time does it reproduce?]
Twilio Call SID(s)
You can find the Call SID in the SDK using Call.getSid() or CallInvite.getCallSid(). The Call SID can also be found on the Twilio Calls Console:
All relevant version information for the issue.
Voice Android SDK
[e.g. 2.0.0-beta14]
OS Version
[e.g. Android 7.1.2]
Device Model
[e.g. Nexus 6p]