twinstake / permissioned-delegation-matic

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Twinstake Matic Validator Share

This project extends the staking contract codebase from Polygon at to introduce a whitelist in the validator share contract to meet institutional KYC enabled requirements.

ValidatorShare.sol: Smart contract with whitelist integrated Validator Share code. Whitelist.sol: Smart contract with whitelist logic. ValidatorShare.test.ts: Test file containing all logical test flows for ValidatorShare with whitelist.


  1. create .env using .env.example file as reference.
  2. run yarn install
npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test test/units/staking/ValidatorShare.test.ts


Thers is a deployment script in path scripts/deploy.js to deploy the Validator Share contract with proxy. To run the script update the variables nftCounter, registry and stakingLogger using the deployed address of staking manager on Polygon.

Post deployment, on staking manager, function updateValidatorContractAddress(uint256 validatorId, address newContractAddress) will need to be called to update the operator's validatorId address mapping.