twk6809 / ARISS-Clock

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Version 1.10 was written for Python 3.x on Linux.

ARISS Clock was designed to support how we do things at the K6DUE ARISS telebridge station. We need to know our time, UTC, and school time (to follow a script at 3am!). The color changes help us be aware of critical events. The elapse time is useful to note delays in establishing contact or when there were severe signal drop outs. We have it up as a large window on one of the monitors so everyone in the room can see it and have situational awareness.


ARISS Clock with correct DejaVuSansMono fonts.

ARISS Clock with correct font.


ARISS_Clock - Simple readable large clock to support ISS
    passes in support of ARISS school contacts at ground 
    station K6DUE.


    ARISS_Clock [ -b ] [ -c ] [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -s ] [ -t ]  

Python script  
    python [ -b ] [ -c ] [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -s ] [ -t ]  


AOS and LOS times are set in the configuration file. As the AOS
approaches the timer changes colors. At AOS the AOS timer stops
at zero and the LOS and ET timers start. The LOS timer changes
colors as LOS is approached. At LOS the LOS timer and ET timers

There are several clocks that are displayed. The local time zone
is detected for the local time clock. A UTC clock is displayed next.
Finally, there is a optional local school time clock. The School Time
Zone (STZ) UTC time zone offset is specified in the config file. This
clock label is fixed as Local School Time (LST).


-b, -B, --BW  
    Force AOS/LOS timers to use only black & white colors.
    Default is to use color for active timers.

-c, -C, --Color  
    Force background colors off.
    Default is color.

-h, -H, --Help  
    Lists the command line options in terminal window, then exits.
    This will override all other command line options.

-l, -L, --Labels  
    Turn OFF the display of the timer and clock labels.
    Default is to display the labels.

-s, -S, --School  
    Turn OFF display Local School Time (LST) clock.
    Default is to display the clock.

-t, -T, --Top  
    Remove clocks from the top of the display and move to bottom.
    Default is to have them at the top.

If any option is invalid the program uses all the defaults.  


python or python3  
    Run the script from python using look and feel defaults.  

python -l  
    Run the script from python with labels not displayed.  

python -T  
    Run the script from python with the clocks to the bottom of
    the display.  

python --BW  
    Run the script from python with black & white timers, no colors.  

python -l -t -b  
    Run the script from python with all command line options. Order
    does not matter. Can be upper and lower case. See above.  

ARISS_Clock -l -t -b  
    Run the executable with all command line options. The executable
    can use all the command line options that same way as the python


Predicted AOS and LOS can be viewed in a separate window by
clicking on the "ARISS ISS Contact Clock" button. AOS and LOS 
predicted date/times are displayed in local and UTC. These should be
verified against the satellite tracking software. Edit the config file
if incorrect and restart the ARISS Clock.

The AOS countdown timer only shows the hours, minutes, and seconds.
If AOS is more than 24 hours away, the AOS will get to zero and
roll over. If AOS and LOS have already passed when the script is
started, the AOS, LOS, and ET timers will all show zero. The timers
change color over time as AOS and LOS are reached, unless the -b
command line option was used.

Timer colors change based on the time matching the config file
AOS and LOS times.

AOS and LOS timer colors change as follows:
    AOS starts off GREEN when active.
    LOS and ET start off grayed out while AOS is not zero.
    AOS goes YELLOW at less than 6 minutes to go. Warning!
    AOS goes RED at less than 1 minute(s) to go. Red alert!
    AOS goes GRAY at zero. The contact has started.
    LOS starts off YELLOW when active. Contact in progress.
    LOS goes RED at less than 1 to go. Red alert!
    LOS goes GRAY at zero when LOS is reached. Contact has ended.

Clock window can be resized. Fonts are scaled based on window width.
To shrink, recommend adjusting the width first, then the height.
To enlarge, recommend adjusting the height first, then the width.

Clocks or timers at the bottom of the display can be rolled up and 
hidden from view. Grab the bottom the window and drag up. Expand the
window to expose.

AOS is checked to make sure it is before the LOS time. If not, an
error message comes up. For setting the AOS and LOS times, the date
matters. The AOS and LOS timers will not change unless the date and
time matches the UTC time clock. UTC is calculated based on the    
system's time zone information read from the operating system.


This script tries to use the "DejaVu Sans Mono" non-proportional
font. Not all systems may have this font. If the specified font is
not found it gets substituted with a different font and this will
affect the look and feel. It is strongly recommend to install the 
correct fonts. The fonts are free. See INTERNET RESOURCES below.

Required font files:  


All the files should be in the same folder.  
    Python script. Main program. Requires python 3.x to run.  
    Requires a number of Python libraries that may not be included
    with Python by default. 

    The following libraries are needed:  
    sys, os, platform, getopt, tkinter, time, datetime, and re  

ARISS_Clock.exe (may not be included)  
    Windows executable version of main program.  

    The AOS and LOS times and school time zone are set in the
    configuration file. Instructions are included in the file. At
    startup the configuration file is read. If the config file is
    not found in the same folder as the program,a new config file
    is created and the AOS and LOS times will need to be updated.

    Verify configuration file version matches the ARISS Clock version.
    If not, delete the configuration file and restart. A new file will
    be generated with default values Edit for new school time zone 
    offset, AOS and LOS date/times.

    If the configuration file gets corrupted, just delete it, and
    restart the ARISS Clock. A new file will be created.

    This help file. The file is generated every time the program is
    started up.  

    ARISS logo image used by the python script. Must be present if
    running the .py file. Built into the executable.  

    ARISS logo icon image. Used by Windows.  

ARISS_Clock.spec (may not be included)  
    File with preset parameters to create an executable version
    using "pyinstaller". Syntax is "pyinstaller ARISS_Clock.spec'.   


This package includes the Python scripts and a Windows executable.
To run this under different operating systems, there are two choices:
1) Install Python and run from the Python environment 2) Generate an exectable under your OS

It is possible to create executables for your OS with the steps
listed below. This is not for the begginer. It has worked for Linux,
Raspberry Pi, and Windows10. It should work for the MacOS, I just don't
have one to test with. Note that outside of Windows, binary
executables are often not portable (i.e. a Linux binary will not run
on a Raspberry Pi).

The process requires a Python 3.xx installation, pyinstaller script, and
all the required Python libraries imported by It aslo
requires files ARISS_logo_simple.png and ARISS_logo_simple.ico files.

On Linux/Rasberry Pi use command line:
pyinstaller --onefile -w -F -i "ARISS_logo_simple.ico" --add-data 'ARISS_logo.png:.'

Windows 10 pyinstaller command line:
pyinstaller -w -F -i "ARISS_logo_simple.ico" --add-data ARISS_logo.png;. --add-data ARISS_logo_simple.ico;.

If a .spec files exists, on the command line enter:
pyinstaller ARISS_Clock.spec

The binary executable must reside in the folder with the other files
from the package.

Once an binary executable has been made, a shortcut can be created.
Note that in the shotcut you can specify the command line swithes as


By Ken McCaughey (N3FZX) for the K6DUE ARISS ground station.
Copyright 2024.


DejaVu Fonts at or from 1001 Fonts at