two-ticks / p5-teach.js

This project would involve developing tools for teaching through p5.js, adding functions to animate shapes and exporting the animation in different formats (mp4 or webm). Main focus is to introduce a simple, easy to use library to animate and make scenes. This will also take advantage of p5.js core library - p5.sound.js for sound effects.
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This project would involve developing tools for teaching through p5.js, adding functions to animate shapes and exporting the animation in different formats (mp4 or webm). Main focus is to introduce a simple, easy to use library to animate and make scenes. This will also take advantage of p5.js core library - p5.sound.js for sound effects.




Function Description
Writes the text with a blurry effect at each new character.
Write the text with the typing effect.
fadeIn(object, duration)
Make a fade in effect.
fadeOut(object, duration)
Make a fade out effect.
blink(object, duration)
Make a blinking effect.
wipeIn(object, duration)
Make a wipe in effect.
wipeOut(object, duration)
Make a wipe out effect.
zoomIn(object, duration)
Make a zoom in effect.
zoomOut(object, duration)
Make a zoom out effect.
moveAlongPath(object, path) Moves object along the defined path
Transform(object1, object2) Transforms one shape into another by interpolating vertices from one to another. Similar to this example
Shift(x,y) Shifts shape and object by x and y
wait(duration) Waits for the duration specified before playing the next animation. It is helpful in timing the animation.
Creates animation of object building up from scratch.

Useful links