twolfson / google-music-electron

Desktop app for Google Music on top of Electron
The Unlicense
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google-music-electron Build status

Desktop app for Google Music on top of Electron



This was written as a successsor to google-music-webkit. When upgrading between versions of nw.js, there were regressions with taskbar and shortcut bindings. We wrote this as an alternative.


Getting Started

google-music-electron can be installed globally via npm:

# Install google-music-electron via npm
npm install -g google-music-electron

# Run google-music-electron

When the application has launched, it will appear in your taskbar and via a tray icon, tray icon.



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MPRIS integration

If you are on GNU/Linux and your desktop environment supports MPRIS, you can install our MPRIS integration via:

google-music-electron install-mpris
# Once this succeeds, MRPIS will be integrated on `google-music-electron` restart

MPRIS screenshot


google-music-electron can be updated via npm:

# Update google-music-electron to a newer version via npm
npm update -g google-music-electron
# Alternatively, the following can be used as well to specify a version
# npm install -g google-music-electron@latest



We have a few CLI options available for you:

  Usage: google-music-electron [options] [command]


    install-mpris   Install integration with MPRIS (Linux only)


    -h, --help                  output usage information
    -V, --version               output the version number
    -S, --skip-taskbar          Skip showing the application in the taskbar
    --minimize-to-tray          Hide window to tray instead of minimizing
    --hide-via-tray             Hide window to tray instead of minimizing (only for tray icon)
    --allow-multiple-instances  Allow multiple instances of `google-music-electron` to run
    --verbose                   Display verbose log output in stdout
    --debug-repl                Starts a `replify` server as `google-music-electron` for debugging


Running locally

To get a local development copy running, you will need:

Follow the steps below to get a development copy set up:

# Clone our repository
git clone
cd google-music-electron/

# Install our dependencies and dev dependencies
npm install

# Start up `google-music-electron`
npm start

After running the above steps, a copy of google-music-electron should begin running.


Adding local setup as a global installation

After getting our local development set up, we can go one step further and get google-music-electron working on our CLI as if it were installed via npm install -g.

# Link local copy as a global copy
# WARNING: Make sure that `npm install` has been run before this point
#   or your local copy's permissions may get messed up
npm link

# Run `google-music-electron` for local copy

More information on npm link can be found in npm's documentation:


Source images are kept in the resources/ folder. Icons are maintained via Inkscape and the play/pause buttons are isolated in layers.

To generate icons:

  1. Export each of the play/pause/clean variants as a .svg file
  2. Load the icons via GIMP as a 32x32 SVG
  3. Export via GIMP as a .png

At the time of writing, Inkscape and Image Magick seemed to be generating non-transparent backgrounds upon converting SVG to PNG.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint via npm run lint and test via npm test.


Support this project and others by twolfson via donations.


Headphones designed by Jake Dunham from the Noun Project


As of May 16 2015, Todd Wolfson has released this repository and its contents to the public domain.

It has been released under the UNLICENSE.