twopointzero / TJAPlayer3

TJAPlayer3 is a rhythm game application for Windows (and compatible environments). It provides a style of gameplay very similar to that of Taiko no Tatsujin and similar rhythm games, and supports .tja files compatible with a number of other similar rhythm game applications. Download the latest release here:
MIT License
155 stars 153 forks source link
simulator tja


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Project Status


Until further notice, TJAPlayer3 will only receive very infrequent updates in response to crashes reported manually or automatically. These updates will at times include small improvements intended to make the software easier to maintain over time.

Note that TJAPlayer3 has been very stable for most users for some time now. The vast majority of automatically-reported crashes indicate issues with custom skins and/or the computer on which the software is running. Graphics card/driver issues, for example, are very prominent in automatic error reports.

If you encounter issues operating TJAPlayer3, please ensure that you check skin settings or attempt to use a more well-proven skin, and please ensure that your computer is up to date and operating properly.

Table of Contents


TJAPlayer3 is a rhythm game application for Windows (and compatible environments).

It provides a style of gameplay very similar to that of Taiko no Tatsujin and similar rhythm games, and supports .tja files compatible with a number of other similar rhythm game applications.

TJAPlayer3's default visual appearance bears only a passing resemblance to similar rhythm games but supports skinning which can approximate them if desired.

Per the project Ethos, precise replication of specific commercial or non-commercial rhythm games is an explicit non-goal.

Statement Regarding Intellectual Property

Any conscious attempts by TJAPlayer3 users to violate any intellectual property are explicitly denounced by the TJAPlayer3 project, its maintainers, and its contributors.

As laws do vary by jurisdiction, it is the sole responsibility of each individual user or developer of TJAPlayer3 to ensure that they adhere to the laws of their legal jurisdiction.



Detailed plans regarding the above goals are to be managed in the project roadmap.

As an aside regarding the prioritization of users outside of Japan: With respect, Japanese taiko simulator users have a strong tendency toward chasing precise simulation of the user experience and user interface of modern machines in arcades they can conveniently visit. International users, on the other hand, often struggle to even locate decade-old cabinets (usually in poor condition) within their city, state, or even their entire country. The latter group are underserved and present a set of software requirements which are significantly more sustainable, especially given the limited userbase and development resources interested in such a small niche.


Explicit Denouncements

Taiko simulator development projects have been easily derailed (or at least nearly derailed) by bad actors. TJAPlayer3, as but one example, experienced at least two notable examples within a single calendar year, coinciding with, and essentially halting, its period of greatest development progress.

While the MIT License grants users and developers incredible freedom, actions performed with that freedom do not receive automatic respect. One can adhere to the MIT License while being a completely poisonous community member. Such community members are absolutely unwelcome and their behaviour explicitly denounced:

The TJAPlayer3 contributors are 100% committed to ensuring the sustainability of the project above all other concerns. If you are offended by any of the above denouncements then you're a part of the problem, not the solution. Kindly redirect your offense to /dev/null and go far, far away.


Distribution / Redistribution

The MIT license allows anyone to do anything with the project's code and assets, including redistributing modified versions and even doing so under the TJAPlayer3 name. Note that this did in fact happen to TJAPlayer in the past, and was malicious in nature.

To remain safe from malicious parties, only use official releases (or source code) from twopointzero's TJAPlayer3 GitHub project



Though every reasonable attempt is made to ensure that usage of TJAPlayer3 will not adversely impact your computer, no warranty is expressed or implied and your use of the software is entirely at your own risk.


To help make improvements to the software, TJAPlayer3 automatically sends information about software errors to a prominent cloud service called Sentry.

Sentry maintains strong compliance with privacy regulations in multiple legal jurisdictions. Nevertheless:

If the information above still leaves you feeling uncomfortable, your computer or network firewall software can be configured to block TJAPlayer3 from sending error reports. That said, we do hope that you'll allow it to report errors so that we can all make TJAPlayer3 better together.

System Requirements


To remain safe from malicious parties, only use official release packages or source code directly from twopointzero's TJAPlayer3 GitHub project.


TJAPlayer3 is currently lacking suitable documentation, as the source fork's documentation was maintained outside of version control and lost upon the abandonment of that project. The documentation will be recreated over time as additions and changes are made to the software.

To find the most current documenation and remain safe from malicious parties, prioritize the use of the official documentation contained within twopointzero's TJAPlayer3 GitHub project.

Click here to view the current documentation.


Being an open source project supported only by free contribution of time, only a limited amount of support can reasonably be provided. Here are a few constraints one might experience if seeking support from the TJAPlayer3 contributors:

Issue Tracking

All issues are tracked (and most development managed) using GitHub Issues.

Ensure that you search for an existing issue before opening a new one.

Opened issues will be deleted if the following are not provided promptly upon request: reproduction steps, logs, example .tja files (do not provide media,) example skin config files, etc.


A full development guide is forthcoming, including information regarding roadmapping of work, semantic versioning of changes, peer review processes, etc. In the meantime, contact twopointzero if you need assistance building from source and/or wish to contribute to development.


A number of individuals created and iterated on the software that came to be TJAPlayer3.

In lieu of attempting to list everyone who has contributed to this and related projects, our thanks go out to the following creators/maintainers of notable members of the TJAPlayer software family: