Open YpNo opened 7 months ago
What are the debug logs showing you?
What are the debug logs showing you?
Ah yes sorry:
# Running loop to check if there are an active streams
Camera outdoor-camera does not have an active stream
Camera livingroom-camera does not have an active stream
# Starting a live stream on the Arlo App
2024-04-27 18:35:52,326 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: packet-in=
{ 'action': 'is',
'properties': { 'activityState': 'userStreamActive',
'dateStarted': 111111111111000},
'resource': 'cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA',
'transId': 'AAAAAAAAAAAA!e26b90c7!111111111111'}
2024-04-27 18:35:52,327 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: packet: device update
2024-04-27 18:35:52,327 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: sending cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA to AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:35:52,327 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA:AAAAAAAAAAAA bounded device!
2024-04-27 18:35:52,327 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: packet-in=
{ 'action': 'is',
'properties': {},
'resource': 'basestation',
'to': 'UUUU-111-66666666',
'transId': 'c7b337cfcced4cde8203472be04ca4d7'}
2024-04-27 18:35:52,327 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: unhandled response basestation - {'to': 'UUUU-111-66666666', 'from': 'AAAAAAAAAAAA', 'transId': 'c7b337cfcced4cde8203472be04ca4d7', 'resource': 'basestation', 'action': 'is', 'properties': {}}
2024-04-27 18:35:52,328 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: basestation:AAAAAAAAAAAA bounded device!
2024-04-27 18:35:52,328 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera BASE got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:35:52,328 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: object got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event
2024-04-27 18:35:52,328 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: set:ArloBase/AAAAAAAAAAAA/activityState=userStreamActive
2024-04-27 18:35:52,328 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: NEW userStreamActive
2024-04-27 18:35:52,329 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: OLD userStreamActive
2024-04-27 18:35:52,329 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera CAMERA got one cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:35:52,329 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: _event::stream::reqs='set()',local='{'remote'}',remote='{'streaming'}'
2024-04-27 18:35:52,329 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: child got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event **
2024-04-27 18:35:52,329 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: object got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event
2024-04-27 18:35:52,330 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: set:ArloCamera/AAAAAAAAAAAA/activityState=userStreamActive
2024-04-27 18:35:52,330 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: NEW userStreamActive
2024-04-27 18:35:52,330 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: OLD userStreamActive
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: packet-in=
{ 'action': 'is',
'properties': {'activityState': 'startUserStream'},
'resource': 'cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA',
'to': 'UUUU-111-66666666',
'transId': 'iOS!RG8AN9CX-2770-176-132407479!1714235748!10019'}
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: packet: device update
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: sending cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA to AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA:AAAAAAAAAAAA bounded device!
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera BASE got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: object got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: set:ArloBase/AAAAAAAAAAAA/activityState=startUserStream
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: NEW startUserStream
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: OLD startUserStream
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera CAMERA got one cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: child got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event **
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: object got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: set:ArloCamera/AAAAAAAAAAAA/activityState=startUserStream
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: NEW startUserStream
2024-04-27 18:35:52,373 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: OLD startUserStream
Camera outdoor-camera does not have an active stream
Camera livingroom-camera has an active stream
2024-04-27 18:35:57,334 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: _start_stream::reqs='set()',local='{'streaming', 'remote'}',remote='{'streaming'}'
livingroom-camera -> Stream URL: None
Camera outdoor-camera does not have an active stream
Camera livingroom-camera has an active stream
2024-04-27 18:36:07,338 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: _start_stream::reqs='set()',local='{'streaming', 'remote'}',remote='{'streaming'}'
livingroom-camera -> Stream URL: None
Camera outdoor-camera does not have an active stream
Camera livingroom-camera has an active stream
2024-04-27 18:36:17,343 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: _start_stream::reqs='set()',local='{'streaming', 'remote'}',remote='{'streaming'}'
livingroom-camera -> Stream URL: None
# Stopping the live stream on the Arlo App
2024-04-27 18:36:24,809 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: packet-in=
{ 'createdDate': '20240427',
'deviceId': 'AAAAAAAAAAAA',
'mediaObjectCount': 1,
'ownerId': 'UUUU-111-66666666',
'presignedLastImageUrl': '',
'resource': 'mediaUploadNotification',
'uniqueId': 'UUUU-111-66666666_AAAAAAAAAAAA'}
2024-04-27 18:36:24,810 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: sending mediaUploadNotification to AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:36:24,811 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera BASE got mediaUploadNotification
2024-04-27 18:36:24,811 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: object got mediaUploadNotification event
2024-04-27 18:36:24,811 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera CAMERA got one mediaUploadNotification
2024-04-27 18:36:24,811 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: mediaObjectCount: OLD 1
2024-04-27 18:36:24,811 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: set:ArloCamera/AAAAAAAAAAAA/presignedLastImageUrl=https://arlolastimage-z1.arlo
2024-04-27 18:36:24,812 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: presignedLastImageUrl: NEW
2024-04-27 18:36:24,812 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera -> thumbnail changed
2024-04-27 18:36:24,812 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: turning recent ON for livingroom-camera
2024-04-27 18:36:24,813 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: packet-in=
{ 'action': 'is',
'properties': {'activityState': 'idle', 'dateStarted': 1714235785000},
'resource': 'cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA',
'transId': 'AAAAAAAAAAAA!a7916456!1714235785'}
2024-04-27 18:36:24,813 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: packet: device update
2024-04-27 18:36:24,813 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: sending cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA to AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:36:24,813 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA:AAAAAAAAAAAA bounded device!
2024-04-27 18:36:24,954 [DEBUG] urllib3.connectionpool: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2024-04-27 18:36:25,012 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: packet-in=
{ 'action': 'is',
'properties': {'activityState': 'idle'},
'resource': 'cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA',
'to': 'mediaserver:UUUU-111-66666666',
'transId': 'All clients disconnectedAAAAAAAAAAAA_1714235748602'}
2024-04-27 18:36:25,012 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: packet: device update
2024-04-27 18:36:25,012 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: sending cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA to AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:36:25,012 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: backend: cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA:AAAAAAAAAAAA bounded device!
2024-04-27 18:36:25,160 [DEBUG] urllib3.connectionpool: "GET /444444444444444444444444444/UUUU-111-66666666/AAAAAAAAAAAA/lastImage.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIA2BAHQO5QZGD7VOMI&Expires=1714322184&Signature=Tvi6pLtzvQbIfO2jCEBaE4crjyk%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 29529
2024-04-27 18:36:25,164 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: updating image for livingroom-camera (04-27 18:35)
2024-04-27 18:36:25,164 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: set:ArloCamera/AAAAAAAAAAAA/lastImageSource=capture/04-27 18:35
2024-04-27 18:36:25,164 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: lastImageSource: NEW capture/04-27 18:35
2024-04-27 18:36:25,165 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: set:ArloCamera/AAAAAAAAAAAA/presignedLastImageData=b'\xff\xd8\xff\xfe\x00\x10La
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: presignedLastImageData: NEW b'\xff\xd8\xff\xfe\x00\x10Lavc58.35.100\x00\xff\xdb\x00C\x00\x08\n\n\x0b\n\x0b\r
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera BASE got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: object got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: set:ArloBase/AAAAAAAAAAAA/activityState=idle
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: NEW idle
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: OLD idle
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera CAMERA got one cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: got a stream/recording stop
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: turning recent ON for livingroom-camera
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: removing streaming activity state
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: _event::idle::reqs='set()',local='set()',remote='set()'
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: child got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event **
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: object got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: set:ArloCamera/AAAAAAAAAAAA/activityState=idle
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: NEW idle
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: OLD idle
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera BASE got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: object got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: OLD idle
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: OLD idle
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera CAMERA got one cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: removing streaming activity state
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: _event::idle::reqs='set()',local='set()',remote='set()'
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: child got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event **
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: livingroom-camera: object got cameras/AAAAAAAAAAAA event
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: OLD idle
2024-04-27 18:36:25,174 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: AAAAAAAAAAAA: activityState: OLD idle
Camera outdoor-camera does not have an active stream
Camera livingroom-camera does not have an active stream
I am trying to update the get_stream
function by checking first if there is an active stream, retrieve and return the stream url if yes, and call _start_stream if not.
But first, we need to know what is the URL Path for retrieving current streaming URL.
Any help ? I published a post on the Arlo community forum to try getting any response about API endpoint for getting live stream status and the stream URL. but I don't know if we will have a feedback.
I've found a sip call when I launch the stream on the interface but I don't how to use it or how to convert it on a rtsp feed
I didn't overcome this topic. Help needed.
Sorry, I think I found the issue looking at another issue - to do with the glance cards in Home Assistant.
Can you try this diff:
Index: pyaarlo/
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/pyaarlo/ b/pyaarlo/
--- a/pyaarlo/ (revision 5f57e8b9a6a5c79ee000a53d462d0d032d0aed43)
+++ b/pyaarlo/ (date 1716638333326)
@@ -432,16 +432,16 @@
with self._lock:
if not self.has_user_request("recording"):
- if not self.has_any_local_users:
- self._local_users.add("remote")
+ # if not self.has_any_local_users:
+ # self._local_users.add("remote")
if activity == "userStreamActive":
with self._lock:
if not self.has_user_request("streaming"):
- if not self.has_any_local_users:
- self._local_users.add("remote")
+ # if not self.has_any_local_users:
+ # self._local_users.add("remote")
@twrecked much better, it gets the stream ! BUT, now, when I stop the stream no event has been received.
ERRATUM: in my little script it works well, I received the event on stop, but it doesn't on the arlo-streamer
I am trying to get why.
I'll keep you inform
@twrecked you can consider that your patch solve the issue. Could you explain why adding the remote to the "_local_users" generates the issue ?
Because pyaarlo
would wrongly assume there was a stream URL if _local_users
had anything in it.
All I can think is that Arlo has changed their back end. When I wrote this - a long time ago - I'm guessing we were automatically sent a stream URL when a remote started playback. ("Guess" is the word here, I would have tested it when I wrote it but too many things have happened since.) Thinking about this, I bet this changed around the time rtsp
was deprecated for HLS
and mpeg-dash
I'll try to get an updated release out this week. I'm also trying to make the login/cloudflare error messages more meaningful, hopefully I can roll it into one.
Hi @twrecked,
I've found a new bug I think. Should the url stream be converted from rtsps to rtsp ? I've got rtsps url :
2024-06-10 23:27:29,347 [DEBUG] pyaarlo: XXXXXXXXXX: already streaming: rtsps://
We manually convert it to rtsps
in the code:
Arlo always used to return a secure stream with the missing s
at the end. What is going wrong?
We manually convert it to
in the code:Arlo always used to return a secure stream with the missing
at the end. What is going wrong?
Oh sorry, I red the opposite last night 😶🌫️ Nothing special, I am working on the arlo-streamer project with ffmpeg proxing. The stream was slow with a lot of delay and I got stuck myself on this point thinking it should be the opposite 😅
@twrecked you can consider that your patch solve the issue. Could you explain why adding the remote to the "_local_users" generates the issue ?
Hi @twrecked, Your patch solved my issue. Do you plan to add it in a next release ?
I've created a simple python script to try getting the stream url when a Live stream is running. But it seems that the stream url cannot be get during a "manual" running stream.
How to handle that ? It should be in the
function but I didn't know what I should change or not.Here my script: