txhaflaire / DiskEncrypter

MIT License
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Disk Encrypter - Encrypt unencrypted removable storage devices

This repository provides a LaunchDaemon based workflow using StartOnMount monitoring new Volumes being mounted on the macOS endpoint, once a new volume mount has been detected by the LaunchDaemon it triggers the DiskEncrypter.sh script to provide a end-user driven workflow to have the removable media devices encrypted or automatically mounted as read-only.

This workflow could help any organisation by preventing loss of corporate data on to unencrypted removable storage devices and provide guided end-users workflows to have the storage devices encrypted in an automated fashion.

Please read through and test this script intensively prior adding it to your production environment, as in some cases the end-user agree's to erase the external disk and losing it's contents stored on it.

This workflow has been tested against


The workflows relies on swiftDialog, the preference is that it is already pre-installed but within the script we do provide checks to download and install it if it's not existing on the endpoint.

Workflow Steps

Steps to create the workflow:



by installing the provided package in this repository we are distributing the com.custom.volumewatcher LaunchDaemon and loading with by using launchctl. This LaunchDaemon monitors the /volumes/ folder on changes and runs the ProgramArguments in case changes happens.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
        <string>/Library/Application Support/Custom/DiskEncrypter.sh</string>


On detection of a new volume being mounted in Volumes the LaunchDaemon triggers the DiskEncrypter.sh which does the following


DiskEncrypter writes to the macOS Unified Log, use the following command to filter the Unified Logs.

log show --predicate 'process == "logger" AND eventMessage contains "DiskEncrypter:"'

Optional Workflow Components

Jamf Protect


swiftDialog swiftDialog


Jamf Pro Custom Application & Settings



Please note that all resources contained within this repository are provided as-is and are not officially supported.