txstate-etc / mssql-async

A wrapper for mssql for added convenience when working with async/await and inside docker containers.
MIT License
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This library has a few core principles:

Getting Started

Standard connection

Works just like creating a mssql pool. You will want to make a single pool and export it so that it can be imported all over your code.

import Db from 'mssql-async'
export const db = new Db({
  server: 'yourhost',

async function main() {
  const row = await db.getrow('SELECT ...')
main().catch(e => console.error(e))

Connect with environment variables

When working in docker, it's common to keep database configuration in environment variables. In order to make that easy, this library provides a convenient way to import a singleton pool created with the following environment variables:

  MSSQL_HOST (default 'mssql')
  MSSQL_DATABASE (default 'default_database')
  MSSQL_USER (default 'sa')
  MSSQL_POOL_SIZE (default is mssql's default)

This way, connecting is very simple, and you don't have to worry about creating a singleton pool for the rest of your codebase to import:

import db from 'mssql-async/db'

async function main() {
  const row = await db.getrow('SELECT ...')
main().catch(e => console.error(e))

TLS Encryption

This library, along with the underlying mssql and tedious libraries, will request an encrypted connection to the server if the server allows it. Many servers, including the mssql dockerhub image, will agree to encryption but send a self-signed certificate by default, which the client will reject, causing your connection to fail. For servers like that, you can either trust the server's custom certificate authority (if it has one and you can get access to its public key) or you can trust the certificate blindly.

Specifying a trusted CA

Provide the Certificate Authority (this is not the same as the server's self-signed cert) as a PEM string in the MSSQL_SERVER_CA environment variable, as a filepath in the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable, or as part of creating a pool:

const db = new Db({ options: { cryptoCredentialsDetails: { ca: fs.readFileSync('/myserverstrustedca.pem') } } })

Trust server certificate blindly

This is slightly better than unencrypted but not by much. You can do this by setting the MSSQL_INSECURE environment variable, or as part of creating a pool:

const db = new Db({ options: { trustServerCertificate: true } })

CommonJS imports

You must refer to .default when importing with require:

const Db = require('mssql-async').default
// or the instance created with environment variables (see above)
const db = require('mssql-async/db').default

Basic Usage

A lot of convenience methods are provided that allow you to specify the kind of operation you are about to do and the kind of return data you expect.


const rows = await db.getall('SELECT name FROM mytable')
console.log(rows) // [{ name: 'John' }, { name: 'Maria' }, ...]
const row = await db.getrow('SELECT name FROM mytable WHERE name=@name', { name: 'John' })
console.log(row) // { name: 'John' }
const name = await db.getval('SELECT name FROM mytable WHERE name=@name', { name: 'John' })
console.log(name) // John
const names = await db.getvals('SELECT name FROM mytable WHERE name IN (@name1, @name2)',
  { name1: 'John', name2: 'Maria' })
console.log(names) // ['John', 'Maria']


const insertId = await db.insert('INSERT INTO mytable (name) VALUES (@name)', { name: 'Mike' })
const rowsUpdated = await db.update('UPDATE mytable SET name=@newname WHERE name=@oldname', { newname: 'Johnny', oldname: 'John' })
const success = await db.execute('CREATE TABLE anothertable ...')

Bound Parameter Arrays

Named parameters are a little cumbersome with array operations, so we provide a helper:

const params = { age: 30 }
const rows = await db.getall(`
  SELECT name FROM mytable
  WHERE age > @age AND name IN (${db.in(params, ['John', 'Mike'])})
`, params)

Raw Query

If the convenience methods are hiding something you need from mssql, you can use .query() to get back whatever would have been returned by mssql.

const result = await db.query('INSERT INTO mytable (name) VALUES (@name); UPDATE anothertable SET col1=@col1', { name: 'Mike', col1: 'Value' })
const rowsUpdated = result.rowsUpdated[1]

IN helper

Writing queries with IN operators can be a little complicated when using named parameters. A helper is provided that takes your existing bound parameters object and an array to be used for the IN. It generates the SQL while also mutating your existing bound parameters, so that you can easily use it inline.

const binds = { author: authorid }
const rows = db.getall(`
  SELECT * FROM mytable
  WHERE author = @author
  AND (
    genre IN (${db.in(binds, genres)}) OR
    title IN (${db.in(binds, titles)})
  )`, binds)

Advanced Usage


Async Iterable

The async iterable approach is by far the simplest. It works almost exactly like .getall(), except the advantage here is that it does not load the entire result set into memory at one time, which will help you avoid out-of-memory issues when dealing with thousands or millions of rows.

const stream = db.stream('SELECT name FROM mytable')
for await (const row of stream) {
  // work on the row

for await is very safe, as breaking the loop or throwing an error inside the loop will clean up the stream appropriately.

Note that .stream() returns a node Readable in object mode, so you can easily do other things with it like .pipe() it to another stream processor. When using the stream without for await, you must call stream.destroy if you do not want to finish processing it and carefully use try {} finally {} to destroy it in case your code throws an error. Failure to do so will leak a connection from the pool.

Iterator .next()

Another available approach is to use the iterator pattern directly. This is a standard javascript iterator that you would receive from anything that supports the async iterator pattern. Probably to be avoided unless you are working with multiple result sets at the same time (e.g. syncing two tables).

const iterator1 = db.iterator('SELECT name FROM mytable')
const iterator2 = db.iterator('SELECT * FROM anothertable')
while (true) {
  const { value: row1, done1 } = await iterator1.next()
  const { value: row2, done2 } = await iterator2.next()
  if (!done1 || !done2) {
    try {
      // do some work to sync the rows
    } catch (e) {
      await iterator1.return()
      await iterator2.return()
      throw e
  } else {

As illustrated above, an iterator needs to be cleaned up when your code is aborted before reaching the end, or it will leak a connection. Remember to await iterator.return() if you are going to abandon the iterator, and inside try/catch/finally blocks in your row processing code. An SQL query error will show up on the first await iterator.next() and does not need to be cleaned up.


A method is provided to support working inside a transaction. Since the core Db object is a mssql pool, you cannot send transaction commands without this method, as each command would end up on a different connection.

To start a transaction, provide a callback that MUST return a promise (just make it async). A new instance of db is provided to the callback; it represents a single connection, inside a transaction. Remember to pass this along to any other functions you call during the transaction - if you call a function that uses the global db object its work will happen outside the transaction!

You do NOT send START TRANSACTION, ROLLBACK, or COMMIT as these are handled automatically.

await db.transaction(async db => {
  // both of these queries happen in the same transaction
  const row = await db.getrow('SELECT * FROM ...')
  await db.update('UPDATE mytable SET ...')

If you need to roll back, simply throw an error. Similarly, any query that throws an error will trigger a rollback.

await db.transaction(async db => {
  const id = await db.insert('INSERT INTO user ...')
  throw new Error('oops!')
}) // the INSERT will be rolled back and will not happen

Retrying Deadlocks

db.transaction() accepts an options parameter allowing you to set a maximum number of retries allowed upon deadlock:

await db.transaction(async db => {
  const row = await db.getrow('SELECT * FROM ...')
  await db.update('UPDATE mytable SET ...')
}, { retries: 1 })

If this transaction is the loser of a deadlock, it will retry the whole transaction once, including refetching the getrow statement.

Prepared Statements

Support for prepared statements in the mssql library is extremely limited, as preparing a statement consumes a connection until you unprepare it. The feature isn't worth the trouble, but if you're sure you need it, you can access the raw ConnectionPool object with await db.rawpool() and follow the mssql documentation.


Working with timezones can be very confusing. Unfortunately there's nothing this library can do to help except offer some advice.

## Upgrading to 2.0
The version number bumped to 2.0 because mssql bumped from 6 to 7, presumably because of breaking changes. None of
the automated tests failed, so the breaking changes are probably minimal.

The one thing I did find is the new version seems to fail when the server provides a self signed certificate for
TLS encryption. I'm guessing the old client defaulted to unencrypted unless the server forced encryption, and the
new client defaults to encrypted instead. But when the client requests encryption and the server has only a
self-signed certificate to offer, the client connection fails because its default is not to trust self-signed certs.
In that case you may want to force it back to unencrypted mode. See the section on TLS encryption above.

If your project connects successfully to the database after upgrade, this issue does not affect you.