tyh24647 / WineSkin-Graphics-Configuration-Utility

A helper application for setting the appropriate Wine resolution and other values related to the graphics settings. This allows the average user to know how to set things such as the resolution without knowing how to configure Wine
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Ty's Ports Manager

A helper application for setting the appropriate Wine resolution and other values related to the graphics settings. This allows the average user to know how to set things such as the resolution without knowing how to configure Wine

Ty's Port Manager (a Wineskin custom configuration utility) is a unified launcher app that works for with the Mac ports I release, including the public releases for BFME 1, 2 and ROTWK (tylero056 is my Reddit username).


Config utility picture

This utility provides the following:

Download the app here

For any questions, requests, or issues, feel free to contact me on here, my Reddit page, or send an email to tylero056.dev@gmail.com