tylercamp / palcalc

MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link
breeding calculator palworld

Pal Calc

Pal Calc Screenshot

v1.4.3 screenshot

Fixed for Sakurajima update!

Pal Calc is a Windows program for calculating the optimal steps to breed a specific pal with a specific set of traits:

Community Help

Pal Calc currently has some outstanding pieces that need more information to resolve. Some of these need some level of reverse engineering, but some can be figured out through experimentation and statistics. An issue has been created for each item, where more information can be found.

  1. Is there a formula for how long breeding takes? Or is it a constant five minutes? Issue
  2. What's the probability of wild pals having exactly N traits? Issue
  3. Do child pals always inherit at least one of the parent's traits? Issue
  4. How is data mining performed to extract the pal stats necessary for breeding calculations? Issue
  5. Has the trait inheritance calculation changed since /u/mgxts reverse engineered it? Was their reverse engineering accurate? Issue
  6. Assuming the trait inheritance calculation is correct, is Pal Calc's implementation of those probabilities correct? Issue
  7. How can we derive the map coordinates for a base from its world coordinates? Issue
  8. What's a good way to estimate time needed to capture a wild pal of a certain type? e.g. Chikipi would be much faster to find + catch than Paladius. Issue


Visual Studio Community 2022 is required. The .CLI projects act as test programs which can be ran without involving the whole Pal Calc UI.

Palworld Database

The list of pals, traits, and stats are stored in a db.json file embedded in PalCalc.Model. This file is generated by the PalCalc.GenDB project. Running this project will update the db.json file in PalCalc.Model which will be used by the rest of the projects. The input files for this, stored under PalCalc.GenDB/ref, can be manually modified to include entries for new pals and stats if needed.

The db.json file should not be modified manually. It should be modified by changing the contents of PalCalc.GenDB and re-running the program to regenerate it.

Pal icons are scraped using the FetchIcons/fetch.js program which can be ran using NodeJS. This will use https://palworld.gg to collect the high-resolution version of each pal icon as a separate file.

Save File Support

Save file parsing is in PalCalc.SaveReader, which is a partial C# port of palworld-save-tools. See the project's README for more information.

Data and Solver Model

Data collected from Palworld or a save file are represented by types in PalCalc.Model. Instances of an owned pal within the game are represented by PalInstance.

The solver logic in PalCalc.Solver wraps this type with IPalReference types, which can represent owned, wild, and bred pals. The IPalReference types are returned by PalCalc.Solver.BreedingSolver, but you can use OwnedPalReference results to fetch underlying owned instances.

Pal Calc UI

The general structure of the PalCalc.UI project is somewhat messy. The application uses WPF and (weak) MVVM for handling its UI. MVVM was largely followed for convenience and it was not strictly adhered to. There are various hackfixes since many features were unplanned and added through the path of least resistance. Refactoring is planned and gladly accepted.

Entries in the Resource folder are set to the Resource build action and embedded in the final program.

The Community Toolkit library is used for the viewmodels, which provides the ObservableObject, ObservableProperty, and other utilities. These use code generation to automatically implement private fields annotated with [ObservableProperty] as public properties with the appropriate INotifyPropertyChanged logic.

GraphSharp, a defunct library preserved after the Codeplex shutdown, does not have any documentation. It was added here by referencing hollowdrutt's implementation of a useful overview/walkthrough of its usage by Sacha Barber.


Maybe TODOs