tylerjl / benchmarking-proxies

Automation to perform automated benchmarks against reverse proxy services.
MIT License
34 stars 5 forks source link

Hello, and my apologies. There's a nontrivial amount of ~bash~ code here.

This is an accompanying repository for a forthcoming blog post about reverse proxy performance. The automation here is intended to perform benchmarking in a maximally reproducible and least hands-on way.

Once any prerequisite setup steps have been completed, you should be able to run, measure, and report on benchmarks with ~./bench.sh~.

** Getting Started

You may start with additional "virtual users" -- k6's term for concurrent clients -- with an invocation like:

+begin_src shell

VUS=100 ./bench.sh


Your end results are a file that begins with ~table~ in ~results/~ and various ~.svg~ files in the same directory generated by ~gnuplot~.