Hyperzsh is a z shell theme designed to complement a git-focused workflow. It gives you a comprehensive overview of the branch you're working on and the status of your repository throughout the development process without cluttering your terminal.
It currently shows (in order of the prompt):
antigen bundle tylerreckart/hyperzsh
to your .zshrc
. Antigen will clone and load the hyperzsh repository automaticall the next time you start a zsh session. If you're using oh-my-zsh, follow these steps to install hyperzsh:
mkdir $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes
You can skip this command if the directory exists alreadywget -O $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/hyperzsh.zsh-theme https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tylerreckart/hyperzsh/master/hyperzsh.zsh-theme
vim ~/.zshrc
to ZSH_THEME="hyperzsh"
zgen load tylerreckart/hyperzsh
to your .zshrc
with your other zgen load
statements.zgen save
and zgen will automaticall handle cloning the repository for you. Hyperzsh is highly configurable. It was build to seamlessly integrate git into my workflow, but my choices may not work for you. Everything from the icons to colors are customizable to whatever you want. Itching to slap some emoji in there? Go for it!
If you'd like to view your branch's current SHA, there's already support baked into the theme. All you have to do is edit hyperzsh.zsh-theme
and un-comment the Prompt with SHA and ensure that the default prompt gets commented out or removed.
# The prompt
# PROMPT='$(_user_host)$(_python_venv)%{$fg[cyan]%}%c $(git_prompt_info)%{$reset_color%}$(git_prompt_short_sha)%{$fg[magenta]%}$(_git_time_since_commit)$(git_prompt_status)${_return_status}➜ '
# Prompt with SHA
PROMPT='$(_user_host)$(_python_venv)%{$fg[cyan]%}%c $(git_prompt_info)%{$reset_color%}$(git_prompt_short_sha)%{$fg[magenta]%}$(_git_time_since_commit)$(git_prompt_status)${_return_status}➜ '
Variable | Indicator | Meaning |
◒ | Untracked files |
✓ | Files added to git |
△ | Modified files |
✖ | Deleted files |
➜ | Renamed files |
§ | Unmerged files |
▲ | Repo ahead of current branch |
✗ | Dirty repository |
The right hand prompt displays the current branch, time since last commit, as well as commit status of the repository
Variable | Branch Color |
Green |
Yellow |
Red |
White |
MIT Tyler Reckart