Microsoft COCO Caption Evaluation
Evaluation codes for MS COCO caption generation.
- (demo script)
- captions_val2014.json (MS COCO 2014 caption validation set)
- Visit MS COCO download page for more details.
- captions_val2014_fakecap_results.json (an example of fake results for running demo)
- Visit MS COCO format page for more details.
./pycocoevalcap: The folder where all evaluation codes are stored.
- The file includes COCOEavlCap class that can be used to evaluate results on COCO.
- tokenizer: Python wrapper of Stanford CoreNLP PTBTokenizer
- bleu: Bleu evalutation codes
- meteor: Meteor evaluation codes
- rouge: Rouge-L evaluation codes
- cider: CIDEr evaluation codes
- spice: SPICE evaluation codes
- You will first need to download the Stanford CoreNLP 3.6.0 code and models for use by SPICE. To do this, run:
- Note: SPICE will try to create a cache of parsed sentences in ./pycocoevalcap/spice/cache/. This dramatically speeds up repeated evaluations. The cache directory can be moved by setting 'CACHE_DIR' in ./pycocoevalcap/spice. In the same file, caching can be turned off by removing the '-cache' argument to 'spice_cmd'.
- Xinlei Chen (CMU)
- Hao Fang (University of Washington)
- Tsung-Yi Lin (Cornell)
- Ramakrishna Vedantam (Virgina Tech)
- David Chiang (University of Norte Dame)
- Michael Denkowski (CMU)
- Alexander Rush (Harvard University)