tymaestro / Paris-Tours

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Paris Tours

The live link can be found here: Paris Tours

Paris Tours is an e-commerce website that allows users to browse potential tours of Paris and the surrounding area. Users can add tours to their basket and checkout including all e-commerce functionality.

Responsive Pages

User Stories

Logged-Out User

As a standard (not logged-in) user, I would like to:

  1. View the landing page and know that I'm on a website for tourists to Paris who want a guided tour of the city/suburbs

  2. View available tours

  3. Have a unique sign-up option with username and password

  4. Be able to purchase tours without signing up for an account

  5. Subscribe to the newsletter

Logged-In User

As a registered (logged-in) user, I would like to:

  1. Have a login option to log in to my previously registered account/profile

  2. Choose from a range of tours and add them to my basket

  3. Create a profile and have my details pre-filled for payment for efficiency

  4. View my order history


As a superuser, I would like to:

  1. Have the ability to add, edit and delete tours without being on the django admin page

Project Goals

Facebook Screenshots

Facebook Screenshot

Facebook Screenshot

Link to the Facebook page can be found here


Paris Tours Flowchart

Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram

Business Model

Business Model


Home Web

Home iPad

Home iPhone

Basket Web

Basket iPad

Basket iPhone

Newsletter Web

Newsletter iPad

Newsletter iPhone

Payment Web

Payment iPad

Payment iPhone

Profile Web

Profile iPad

Profile iPhone

Tour Detail Web

Tour Detail iPad

Tour Detail iPhone

Tours Web

Tours iPad

Tours iPhone

Sign-Up Web

Sign-Up iPad

Sign-Up iPhone

Agile Methodology

The agile development of this project used issues in the project environment on Github



The navigation bar gives you access to the tours page as well as an opportunity to either login with a previously created account or create an account via the sign up option. You can also purchase tours without creating an account and view your basket.

Navbar Logged-Out

The navigation bar once you are logged in gives you the opportunity to create an account that will store your details for future visits, have an order history with us, as well as log out of your account.

Navbar Logged-In

The navigation bar as a superuser gives you the ability to add, edit or delete tours from the database in the Tour Management section.

Navbar Superuser

Sign Up Page

The sign up page allows you to create an account by providing a username and password for authentication.

Sign-Up Page

Login Page

As with the sign up page, the login page allows previously registered users to access the extra functionality that having an account provides.

Login Page

Logout Page

The logout page allows you to confirm if you are sure you would like to logout

Logout Page

Home Page

The home page welcomes users to the site and gives information on the concept behind the site and encourages you to sign-up to gain access to features where you can create a profile and have a stored order history.

Home Page

Tours Page

This page presents an ordered list of tours created by the superuser.

Tours Page

Tour Detail Page

The tour detail page presents the selected tour in greater detail so users can gain more information about the tours.

Tour Detail Page

As a superuser, there is functionality to edit and delete tours

Tour Detail Page Superuser

Add Tour Page

As a superuser, this page allows you to add a tour to the database.

Add Tour Page Add Tour Page 2

Edit Tour Page

As a superuser, this page allows you to add a tour to the database.

Edit Tour Page

Basket Page

This is a detail of the empty basket.

Empty Basket

This is a detail of a basket with items in it. The total price is calculated and there is the option to update tours or delete them from the basket, as well as an option to proceed to the checkout. The update button brings you back to the tours page so you can more of the same tour or a different one. The delete button allows you to remove the chosen tour.

Basket with Items

Checkout Page

The checkout page as a logged out user presents you with a summary of your basket and a form to fill out to pay for your items.

Checkout Detail (logged out)

The checkout page as a logged in user allows you to have the payment fields pre-filled on the form.

Checkout Detail (logged in)

Order Summary Page

The order summary page displays a summary of your order once successful payment has been received.

Order Summary

Profile Page

The profile page allows you to view your profile details and order history. It also provides the option to unsubscribe from the newsletter.

Profile Page

Newsletter Pages

The newsletter signup page allows you to subscribe to our newsletter by providing an email address.

Newsletter Signup

The newsletter unsubscribe page allows you to unsubscribe from the newsletter if you wish by providing your email to be removed from our database.

Newsletter Unsubscribe

Footer Detail

The footer displays social media links and the option to subscribe to the newsletter if you haven't already done so, or unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive the newsletter.

Footer Detail

Features Left To Implement

Languages Used





Libraries, Frameworks, and Programs Used


Github was used for version control to store commit history.

Heroku was used to deploy our final project.

Balsamiq was used for wireframes.

FontAwesome for social media icons in footer.

Stripe was used for payments.

AWS was used to host media and static files.


Validator Testing

Python: Several "line too long" errors were returned when passing through the official Pep8 linter.

These refer to:

HTML: No errors were returned when passing through the official W3C validator.

CSS: No errors were returned when passing through the official Jigsaw validator.

HTML Validation

HTML Validation

CSS Validation


CSS Page


Checkout CSS

JavaScript Validation

Messages JavaScript

Delete Function

Stripe Functionality

Python Validation

Biketours Project





Checkout App








Webhook Handler


Home App




Newsletter App







Products App







Profiles App






Shop App





Testing and debugging code

I have used Docstrings throughout my code to identify each function and its purpose.

Navbar (logged out)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the Paris Tours title on the navbar Directed to the home page Successful
2 Click the home button on the navbar Directed to the home page Successful
3 Click the tours button on the navbar Directed to the tours page Successful
4 Click the signup button on the navbar Directed to the signup page Successful
5 Click the login button on the navbar Directed to the login page Successful
6 Click the my basket button on the navbar Directed to the my basket page Successful

Navbar (logged in)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the Paris Tours title on the navbar Directed to the home page Successful
2 Click the home button on the navbar Directed to the home page Successful
3 Click the tours button on the navbar Directed to the tours page Successful
4 Click the signup button on the navbar Directed to the signup page Successful
5 Click the login button on the navbar Directed to the login page Successful
6 Click the my basket button on the navbar Directed to the my basket page Successful
7 Click the my profile button Directed to the my profile page Successful

Navbar (logged in superuser)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the Paris Tours title on the navbar Directed to the home page Successful
2 Click the home button on the navbar Directed to the home page Successful
3 Click the tours button on the navbar Directed to the tours page Successful
4 Click the signup button on the navbar Directed to the signup page Successful
5 Click the login button on the navbar Directed to the login page Successful
6 Click the my basket button on the navbar Directed to the my basket page Successful
7 Click the my profile button Directed to the my profile page Successful
8 Click the tour management button Directed to the tour management page Successful

Tour Page (logged out)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Select a tour Directed to the tour detail page Successful

Tour Page (logged in superuser)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Select a tour Directed to the tour detail page Successful
2 Click the edit button Directed to the edit tour page Successful
3 Click the delete button Deletes a tour Successful

Tour Detail Page (logged out)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the add another tour button Directed to the tour page Successful
2 Click the add to basket button A tour is added to the basket and confirmation message is displayed Successful
3 Click the quantity arrows Quantity of chosen tours is increased or decreased Successful

Tour Detail Page (logged in superuser)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the add another tour button Directed to the tour page Successful
2 Click the add to basket button A tour is added to the basket and confirmation message is displayed Successful
3 Click the quantity arrows Quantity of chosen tours is increased or decreased Successful
4 Click the edit button Directed to the edit tour page Successful
5 Click the delete button Deletes a tour Successful

Newsletter Signup Page

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the subscribe button without a valid email address Notified to fill in required field Successful
2 Click the subscribe button with a valid email address Email address is stored in the database Successful

Newsletter Unsubscribe Page

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the unsubscribe button without a valid email address Notified to fill in required field Successful
2 Click the unsubscribe button with a valid email address Email address is removed from the database Successful

Signup Page

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click sign-in link in description Directed to the sign-in page Successful
2 Click the Sign Up button without required username and password Notified to fill in required fields Successful
3 Click the Sign Up button with required fields filled Directed to logged-in homepage Successful

Login Page

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click sign-up link in description Directed to the sign-up page Successful
2 Click the Sign In button without required username and password Notified to fill in required fields Successful
3 Click the Sign In button with required fields filled Directed to logged-in homepage Successful

Logout Page

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click Sign Out button Directed to the logged out homepage Successful

Home Page

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the explore tours button Directed to the tours page Successful

Add Tour Page (superuser)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the cancel update button Directed to the tours page Successful
2 Click the add tour button without required fields Notified to fill in required fields Successful
3 Click the add tour button with required fields but no image Tour is created with default noimage Successful
4 Click the add tour button with required fields and image Tour is created with chosen image Successful

Edit Tour Page (superuser)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the cancel update button Directed to the tours page Successful
2 Click the edit tour button without required fields Notified to fill in required fields Successful
3 Click the edit tour button with required fields but no image Tour is updated with default noimage Successful
4 Click the edit tour button with required fields and image Tour is updated with chosen image Successful

Basket Page (empty)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the book a tour button Directed to the tour page Successful

Basket Page (full)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the book a tour button Directed to the tour page Successful
2 Click the update button Directed to the tours page to update basket quantity Successful
3 Click the delete button Deletes tour from basket Successful
4 Click the proceed to checkout button Directed to the checkout page Successful

Checkout Page (logged out)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the update basket button Directed to the basket page Successful
2 Click the complete order button without the required fields Notified to fill in required fields before proceeding Successful
3 Click the complete order button with the required fields and valid card number Directed to the order summary page and notified that your order was successful Successful
4 Click the create an account link Directed to the signup page Successful
5 Click the login link Directed to the login page Successful

Checkout Page (logged in)

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the update basket button Directed to the basket page Successful
2 Click the complete order button without the required fields Notified to fill in required fields before proceeding Successful
3 Click the complete order button with the required fields and valid card number Directed to the order summary page and notified that your order was successful Successful
4 Click the create an account link Directed to the signup page Successful
5 Click the login link Directed to the login page Successful
6 Pre-filled order form Order form is pre-filled with profile information Successful

Order Summary Page

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the return to tours button Directed to the tours page Successful

Profile Page

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the update information button Directed to the edit profile page Successful
2 Click the subscribe button Directed to the newsletter signup page Successful
3 Click the unsubscribe button Directed to the newsletter unsubscribe page Successful
4 Click an order number in order history Directed to the selected order summary page Successful

Update Profile Page

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click the update information button Notified that the information has been successfully updated Successful
2 Click the return to profile button Directed to the profile page Successful

Footer Detail

Tests Description Expected Result Final Result
1 Click Facebook button Directed to Paris Tours Facebook page in separate tab Successful
2 Click Instagram button Directed to Instagram homepage in a separate tab Successful
3 Click Twitter button Directed to Twitter homepage in a separate tab Successful

Lighthouse Accessibility

Known Bugs

Bug Fixes


Heroku Deployment

  1. Create a new app in the Heroku dashboard. Choose a name and location for your app.

  2. Click the resources tab to add the Heroku Postgres database.

  3. Click on the settings tab and reveal config vars. Copy the DATABASE_URL and paste it into the env.py file in your project. Make sure that the env.py file is in the .gitignore file.

  4. Add a SECRET_KEY both to the env.py file and in the config vars on Heroku.

  5. In the Gitpod settings.py file, remove the insecure SECRET_KEY and replace it with the environment variable (SECRET_KEY) that was created.

  6. Replace existing DATABASES section in settings.py file with the DATABASE_URL environment variable that is located in the env.py file.

  7. Ensure that all static and files have been added to the settings.py file in Gitpod.

  8. Add the TEMPLATES_DIR to settings.py file in Gitpod and link it in the TEMPLATES section.

  9. Make sure that the project name for the Heroku app has been added as an allowed host in Gitpod.

  10. Ensure to create a Procfile and add web: gunicorn activities.wsgi to this file

  11. Make sure that the DEBUG flag is set to DEBUG = 'DEVELOPMENT' in os.environ in settings.py file in Gitpod


  13. Make sure that all dependencies have been added to the requirements.txt file using the command pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

If deploying through the CLI:

Using the CLI, enter the following commands to deploy to Heroku

  1. Login to Heroku using the command heroku login -i

  2. Enter your email address and password

  3. Find the relevant app using the command heroku apps

  4. Set the Heroku remote using the command heroku git:remote -a

  5. Add, commit and push to Github using the command git add . && git commit -m "Deploy to Heroku via CLI"

  6. Push to both Github and Heroku using the command git push origin main (for Github) and the command git push heroku main (for Heroku)


Bootstrap for some layout and styling features.

TableConvert for the creation of tables in markdown.

Master Code Online for tutorials on how to build a newsletter app.

JShint for JavaScript validation.

Pep8 for Python validation.

W3C for HTML validation.

Pexels for all images used on the site.


A very big thank you to my mentor Daisy McGirr who gave me very helpful feedback and was very encouraging during our mentor sessions.

Also, a big thank you to the Slack community over the course of this entire module.

Stack Overflow for any troubleshooting over the course of this project.