tynidev / RL_Overlay

Broadcasting overlay to use for streaming rocket league games.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Broadcasting overlay to use for streaming rocket league games.



Note: The following pre-reqs are installed via the install.ps1 script


OBS must be run on the same machine as Rocket League in order to capture the game but everything else (WS-Relay, Overlay Web Server, Overlay App) can be run on separate machines if preferred.


NOTE: Overlay App is hosted by the Overlay Web Server which isn't shown in this diagram

How to Install\Build

Make sure BakkesMod is installed then in powershell window run:

  1. cd <project root>
  2. .\install.ps1 - will also create shortcuts for next steps

How to Setup and run Test

  1. Double click shortcut SOS-WS-Relay and follow prompts entering default values
  2. Double click shortcut Overlay-Server
  3. In OBS add new source of type Browser to OBS Scene
  4. Configure source as follows:


  1. Size Source to OBS canvas
  2. Double click shortcut Test-Game

If test is successful then in the future you only need to start RocketLeague and run steps 1 and 2 to setup your stream.

Manual Instructions (Case you like to do it yourself)

1. Build Overlay Server (only need once OR on any changes)

In terminal:

  1. cd <project root>\overlay-app
  2. npm install
  3. npm run build
  4. npm install -g serve (only need step 4 once to install serve command for later)

2. Install SOS plugin & Run Rocket League

Steps 1-3 only needed once.

  1. Copy <project root>\bakkes-plugins\SOS.dll to %appdata%\bakkesmod\bakkesmod\plugins
  2. Copy <project root>\bakkes-plugins\sos.set to %appdata%\bakkesmod\bakkesmod\plugins\settings
  3. Add new line plugin load sos to BakkesMod plugin load cfg at %appdata%\bakkesmod\bakkesmod\cfg\plugins.cfg

In the future just open Rocket League.

  1. Run Rocket League

Video showing how to get SOS running https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE816DBuwI4

3. Build & Run ws-relay

Original Documentation

To build run Step 1-2 in terminal.

  1. cd <project root>\sos-ws-relay
  2. npm install

To run ws-overlay complete step 3 in terminal.

  1. node ws-relay.js

4. Run Overlay Server

In terminal:

  1. cd <project root>\overlay-app
  2. For production run: serve -s build OR for testing/developing run: npm start



The file <project root>\bakkes-plugins\ButtonMash.dll is a BakkesMod plugin that automatically joins matches as specator. Install following the same steps as the SOS plugin and then enable in game in the BakkesMod settings UI accesible via F2.

RCONN connection to Rocket League

The Overlay App can be configured to connect to Rocket League through a remote connection or RCONN plugin in BakkesMod and execute commands to automatically hide the UI elements when a match starts.

Steps to configure:

  1. Get RCONN password located in file %appdata%\bakkesmod\bakkesmod\cfg\config.cfg. Look for line that starts with rcon_password and take the following value.
  2. Add .env file at <project root>\overlay-app and add text REACT_APP_RCONN_PASS = <rconn password from step 1> to the file on its own line.
  3. Add the following commands ro rcon allowed list in file %appdata%\bakkesmod\bakkesmod\data\rcon_commands.cfg
    • replay_gui
    • rcon_refresh_allowed