typelevel / CT_from_Programmers.scala

Scala sample code for Bartosz Milewski's CT for Programmers
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Scala sample code for Bartosz Milewski's Category Theory for Programmers

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To compile

sbt tut

Style guide

Use ```tut:silent``` for code that is compilable, use ```scala``` otherwise.

Use a line of ............. to separate between code examples.

There are multiple ways to translate haskell code into scala. For scala syntax, generally speaking we follow the common styles in FP scala codebase (e.g. typelevel/cats)

functions vs. methods

If it's a "standalone" function, use the function syntax, i.e.

val f: A => B = ???

If it is inside a trait or class, use the method, i.e.

def f(a: A) : B = ???


Follow the common strategies in FP codebases, roughly

Infix syntax for type class methods

Create a XXXOps implicit extension class to support such infix syntax. E.g. To support (m1: A => Writer[B]) >=> (m2: B => Writer[C]) add

  implicit class Kleisli[A, B](m1: A => Writer[B]) {
   def >=>[C](m2: B => Writer[C]): A => Writer[C] = ...

Indentation and line break

Use 2 space indentation and prefer to aggressively break lines

def >=>[C](m2: B => Writer[C]): A => Writer[C] 
   = { x => 

If the signature is too long, we break it to multiple lines as well. Control each line to be within 45 characters.

Symbol names

For the prime symbol, use U+16CC RUNIC LETTER SHORT-TWIG-SOL S , it works with scalac while the unicode prime symbol doesn't


CC image

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