typelift / Aquifer

Functional streaming abstractions in Swift
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Document All The Things #1

Closed CodaFi closed 9 years ago

CodaFi commented 9 years ago
CodaFi commented 9 years ago

I'm unclear on a few of the operators here. Specifically

|<| and >|>

pthariensflame commented 9 years ago

@CodaFi Those could probably stand to be renamed. :P

The correspondence between operator names in Aquifer and pipes is as close as I could possibly make it, but some of the original pipes operators (specifically, those containing \ or / characters) had to be renamed due to limitations of Swift syntax.

CodaFi commented 9 years ago

Ja, that I totally understand. I was wondering, specifically, which operators they mapped to.

pthariensflame commented 9 years ago

I just went through the code and I actually can't figure out the some of the operator name correspondences myself, which is, I guess, yet more evidence of how terrible they are. I swear they made sense to me at the time! :(

pthariensflame commented 9 years ago

Any suggestions for a better name correspondence? We need the following operators to have Swift-ier names (each pair should remain a pair):

CodaFi commented 9 years ago

I think you did a fine job with the first two just converting the slashes to pipes. The last couple I'm not sure of... Swift won't take any of those, and there's a duplication problem if you just convert to |>| and|<|. Unless you're cool with overloading here?

pthariensflame commented 9 years ago

I would rather not overload here, even if Swift allows it, because it would be confusing for the user as to which overload of each operator applied where. Both of those pairs are used on Proxy Kleisli morphisms, so it would be very hard to tell what a given piece of code did if they were overloaded.

CodaFi commented 9 years ago

I'm happy with this for now. Capping changes here.

Ready for review.

pthariensflame commented 9 years ago

Other than the mentioned nitpicks, this looks good!

CodaFi commented 9 years ago

There, that should do it.

pthariensflame commented 9 years ago

You missed a single thing. :)

CodaFi commented 9 years ago

Not anymore :sparkle:

CodaFi commented 9 years ago


pthariensflame commented 9 years ago

Sí, ahora esta bien. :)

CodaFi commented 9 years ago


You have the bridge

pthariensflame commented 9 years ago

Thank you, First.

CodaFi commented 9 years ago


pthariensflame commented 9 years ago
