typelift / Aquifer

Functional streaming abstractions in Swift
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This is a port of pipes (and its immediate associated ecosystem) to Swift, using Swiftz and Focus.

For those already familiar with the Haskell libraries, check out the source. For everybody else, see the Tutorial Playground for a beginner-level introduction to the major concepts and use-cases of this library.


Aquifer is a collection of powerful stream processing abstractions and a network of components dedicated to stream-like concepts such as IO, Parser-Combinators, Data Processing, Functional Reactive Programming, and much more. The fundamental unit of abstraction is a type called Proxy that the framework further segments into 6 distinct types, each representing a specific kind of information flow:

Because a Proxy is very generic (weighing in at 5 type parameters!), it can be quite cumbersome to work with. To combat this, the library declares each of the above as typealiases to mark methods in the library. Rarely will the fully expanded form of Proxy be seen by the average user. And when it is present, it is only to mark operations that can work with any of the 6 types enumerated above.

First Principles

For the more advanced user, Aquifer's semantics can be described by a number of Categories. To that end, the library includes notes and diagrams to aid understanding, and to present a detailed graphical view of its most general parts. For example, this is the diagram outlining Proxy:

              Upstream | Downstream
                  |         |
 Upstream Output <==       <== Downstream Input
                  |         |
 Upstream Input  ==>       ==> Downstream Output
                  |    |    |
                  Final Results

And another from the Request Category:

            IS                   /===>DO                     IS
             |                  /      |                      |
        +----|----+            /  +----|----+            +----|----+
        |    v    |           /   |    v    |            |    v    |
    UO <==       <== DI <==\ / UO<==       <== NI    UO <==       <== NI
        |    f    |         X     |    g    |     =      | f |>| g |
    UI ==>       ==> DO ===/ \ UI==>       ==> NO    UI ==>       ==> NI
        |    |    |           \   |    |    |            |    |    |
        +----|----+            \  +----|----+            +----|----+
             v                  \      v                      v
             FR                  \====>DI                     FR

If that all seems complicated, don't worry! The diagrams are always accompanied by proper explanations of the semantics of their respective methods in plain English. If the documentation is ever unclear, feel free to ask a question, file an issue, or put it in your own words in a pull request.

Programming With Pipes

By now you may be wondering how one actually goes about using Aquifer to produce useful programs. Returning to the Proxy type from earlier, each of its 5 parameters is a different unhandled part of the flow of data through a pipe that you the user must "seal" or "fuse" using the other combinators in this library. For example, the operation yield can be thought of as:

/// Yield leaves a hole of type A that we need to fuse somehow.
func yield<A>(value : A) -> Producer<A, ()>.T

yield is an operation that returns a value with a "hole" in it that we need to fill. In fact, if we were simply to use yield by itself, our program would block indefinitely waiting for the unfused hole to be filled! A yield is usually connected to, naturally, a Consumer pipe, which itself has a hole of type A. Here we'll hook up the function stdinLn (which returns a Producer<String, ()> that yields values from stdin) to the function stdoutLn (which returns a Consumer<String, ()> that awaits values from some Producer and prints them to stdout) with one of many fusing operators >->

let pipe = stdinLn() >-> stdoutLn()

The thing to notice about pipe is that Swift believes it has the type

/// How do we know everything's been fused from this type signature alone?
///   +-- X indicates the output hole has been filled; fused.
///   |  +-- This pipe only accepts () as input; fused.
///   |  |   +-- This pipe only accepts () as input; fused.
///   |  |   |   +-- X indicates the ouput hole has been filled; fused.
///   |  |   |   |  +-- This pipe ultimately returns () i.e. performs an effect.
///   |  |   |   |  |
///   v  v   v   v  v
Proxy<Never, (), (), Never, ()>

By consulting the handy table of typealiases in Proxy's definition file it's easy to see that this corresponds to the Effect alias. An Effect is only produced when every input and output from all parts of the pipe have been fused away, leaving only a program that can be run with the runEffect combinator. The practical effect of all of this is that Aquifer uses Swift's type system to aid in the production of fully-formed pipes. Failure to fuse any one of the input or ouput holes with a concrete type results in a type error at compile time. Thus, the goal of any Aquifer user is always to arrive at an Effect, because only Effects can be run to produce meaningful output.

Putting it all together yields

/// This program acts like `cat` by blitting any input from stdin to stdout.
runEffect <| stdinLn() >-> stdoutLn()

System Requirements

Aquifer supports OS X 10.9+ and iOS 7.0+.