I realized that some methods from the DrawBot API accept pathlib.Path() objects, so I assumed that any method dealing with files on disk would do that as well. But a few of them do not.
Here I collected all the methods from the public API that deal with files in Drawbot (did I miss anything?):
hey @typemytype and @justvanrossum!
I realized that some methods from the DrawBot API accept pathlib.Path() objects, so I assumed that any method dealing with files on disk would do that as well. But a few of them do not.
Here I collected all the methods from the public API that deal with files in Drawbot (did I miss anything?):
The ones commented out, raise an Exception if a Path() is provided. They work fine if the Path() is converted to string
If you want, next week I can try to submit a pull request to align the behaviour of the methods not accepting a pathlib object.