typemytype / drawbot

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DrawBot is a powerful, free application for macOS that invites you to write Python scripts to generate two-dimensional graphics. The built-in graphics primitives support rectangles, ovals, (bezier) paths, polygons, text objects, colors, transparency and much more. You can program multi-page documents and stop-motion animations. Export formats include PDF, SVG, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, animated GIF and MP4 video.

To download the latest version of the app, go to

Using DrawBot as a Python module

DrawBot can also be installed as a Python module, the app is not required.


The easiest way is to use pip:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/typemytype/drawbot

To install it manually, follow these instructions:

download: https://github.com/typemytype/drawbot/archive/master.zip

run cd <path/where/you/have/downloaded/and/unzipped/drawBot> run python setup.py install


import drawBot

with drawBot.drawing():
    drawBot.newPage(1000, 1000)
    drawBot.rect(10, 10, 100, 100)

It is adviced to wrap your drawing instructions into a with drawbot.drawing() statement, to clear the instruction stack and remove installed fonts.

Compile DrawBot from source

compile drawBot.app (with UI)

Required packages:

(Most of these are available through pip.)


DrawBot is compiled with py2app into an application package.

cd path/To/drawBot
python setupApp.py py2app

compile drawBot Python module only

This module only works on Mac OS as it requires PyObjC, AppKit, CoreText Quartz and more.

Required packages:


cd path/To/drawBot
python setup.py install

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