.. image:: https://badge.waffle.io/typo3-themes/themes.png?label=ready&title=Ready :target: https://waffle.io/typo3-themes/themes :alt: 'Stories in Ready' .. include:: Documentation/Index.rst
The THEMES project was started with the idea in mind to provide a standardized way how the frontend output of TYPO3 should be created. So the approach is similar to the Wordpress or Drupal world, where we have standardized datastructures and renderers since ages.
We use http://wiki.typo3.org/Fluid to render the page templates normally, this allows to extend given themes, without the need to overwrite all. But you still can choose to render everything with TypoScript or marker based templates, even if this is not what we suggest.
To achieve that goal and to be highly flexible configurable at the same time we build a set of extensions which provides the needed functionality:
+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Extensionkey | purpose of this extension | +=====================+=================================================+ | themes | UI in the backend for theme switching | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | themes_gridelements | provides datastructures to allow easy switching | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | theme_bootstrap | base package for bootstrap 3.x | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | theme_foundation | base package for foundation | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | dyncss* | less and scss rendering | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | t3jquery | standardized way of including javascript - not recommend anymore | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
Having the base packages and also ready made themes like:
theme_bootstrap_slate <http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/theme_bootstrap_slate>
_theme_bootstrap_mosaic <http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/theme_bootstrap_mosaic>
_theme_zurbink <http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/theme_zurbink>
_It's easy and fast to start a new web project with less effort.
Combined with TYPO3 core features like distributions you can start the first structure of a webpage in minutes instead of hours.
To install THEMES and get started fast, we highly recommend to take the following steps:
Simply install the themes from TER you would like to have This will install all the needed dependencies and you are ready to go.
You can get the list of all themes which are available via the TER on typo3-themes.org <http://www.typo3-themes.org/>
Some example themes are:
theme_bootstrap_highland <http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/theme_bootstrap_highland>
_theme_bootstrap_mosaic <http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/theme_bootstrap_mosaic>
_theme_zurbink <http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/theme_zurbink>
_theme_foundation <http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/theme_foundation>
_Additionally you can install a ready made distribution which also adds a pagetree into your TYPO3 installation:
themes_distribution <http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/themes_distribution>
_This will make your TYPO3 serving a dummy webpage within some seconds.
works with all 12 column grid frameworks we know like:
bootstrap <http://getbootstrap.com/>
_foundation <http://foundation.zurb.com/>
_yaml <http://www.yaml.de/>
_shared licenses:
We use the TYPO3 Slack channel to communicate:
Sign Up <https://forger.typo3.org/slack>
_Start typo3-themes channel <https://typo3.slack.com/messages/typo3-themes/>
_Issues should be sent to the appropriate extension on github:
TYPO3-THEMES on Github <https://github.com/typo3-themes>
_On www.typo3-themes.org you can view a list of THEMES available in the TYPO3 Extension Repository and soon agancies and certified integrators will be able to sell their own THEMES via that Plattform.
This is the big documentation about themes, written by Thomas Deuling, Jo Hasenau and Kay Strobach. The book is written in german, but we plan to release an english version taking care of the current changes and CMS 7 soon.
Please take a look into Documentation/Index.rst if there is no documentation above this line.
This is a current github limitation :(
The following image indicates the build status. Currently it's failing due to some codingstyle issues, to tackle them, the builds are tested with phpcs and the TYPO3 codesniffers, stay tuned we will tackle them all!
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/typo3-themes/themes.svg :target: https://travis-ci.org/typo3-themes/themes