tzuhsial / InstagramCrawler

A non API python program to crawl public photos, posts or followers
MIT License
378 stars 105 forks source link
crawler instagram python selenium

05/03/2019 Repo is now archived.

I am now officially archiving this repo after a long time of, well, not maintaining.


A non API python program to crawl public photos, posts, followers, and following

Login to crawl followers/following

To crawl followers or followings, you will need to login with your credentials either by filling in 'auth.json' or typing in(as you would do when you are simply browsing instagram)

Well, it is to copy 'auth.json.example' to 'auth.json' and fill in your username and password

PhantomJS for headless browser

For headless browser, after installing phantomjs, add '-l' to the arguments


Download the first 100 photos and captions(user's posts, if any) from username "instagram"

NOTE: When I ran on public account 'instagram', somehow it stops at caption 29
$ python -q 'instagram' -c -n 100

Search for the hashtag "#breakfast" and download first 50 photos

$ python -q '#breakfast' -n 50

Record the first 30 followers of the username "instagram", requires log in

$ python -q 'instagram' -t 'followers' -n 30 -a auth.json

Full usage:

usage: [-h] [-d DIR] [-q QUERY] [-t CRAWL_TYPE] [-n NUMBER] [-c]  [-a AUTHENTICATION]


There are 2 packages : selenium & requests

NOTE: I used selenium = 3.4, geckodriver = 0.16 (fixed bug in previous versions)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Optional: geckodriver and phantomjs if not present on your system
bash utils/
bash utils/
source utils/