Pigeon is UAARG's ground station imaging software. It is used to analyze images received from the aircraft through a combination of manual and automatic processes.
Feature to establish a websocket connection with the client.
Implement following functionality:
Open an asynchronous websocket connection with the client.
Send messages to client.
Asynchronously listen to messages as long as connection is open.
Parse the messages for validity.
Handle messages according to their type.
Handle connection errors.
Data should be sent in the form of json files (can use dictionaries in python and convert to json using json.dump().
Interface/template available at pigeon/comms/services/websocket.py
Feature to establish a websocket connection with the client.
Implement following functionality:
Data should be sent in the form of
files (can use dictionaries in python and convert to json usingjson.dump()
. Interface/template available at pigeon/comms/services/websocket.py