Pigeon is UAARG's ground station imaging software. It is used to analyze images received from the aircraft through a combination of manual and automatic processes. The ultimate goal is to quickly provide accurate information about points of interest found on the ground.
Make sure you have python >=3.10 installed on your machine and that it is in
your PATH
Pigeon is written in PyQt. Which means that on a non-Windows system you may have to ensure some pyqt5 packages are installed. For an Ubuntu/Debian system, these are:
sudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev python3-pyqt5
If you are on MacOS, you need to install libzbar
. First, make sure to
install homebrew. Then run:
brew install zbar
If you are on Linux, you will need to find which package your package
manager provides libzbar
under. On Ubuntu (as of writing), this is:
sudo apt install libzbar0
Windows users do not need to install anything else.
:# Setup the python virtual environment (do this once)
python3 -m venv venv
# Activate the virtual environment (different for each OS)
source ./venv/bin/activate # (MacOS/Linux/...) unix shell
venv\Scripts\activate.bat # (Windows) cmd.exe
venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # (Windoes) PowerShell
# Install dependencies (do this at setup and/or when requirements.txt changes)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Before running the GUI, start a shell session in the repo root. Activate the virtual environment. Repeat this for two seperate terminals.
In the first terminal, run the following. (This will start a program which will pretend to be the drone for testing.)
python3 -m tools mock-uav
Then, in the second terminal, run the followng. (This will actually start the pigeon GUI.)
python3 -m pigeon
To help aid in development and managing the codebase, we have the following tools:
-- Format all python files./scripts/lint.sh
-- Lint (check for common errors) all python files./scripts/test.sh
-- Run all testsThe linter and tests are all run on each commit/PR via our CI.
A few notes about contributing: