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Spike on exclusion of certain collections from DOI generation #1276

Closed pbinkley closed 7 years ago

pbinkley commented 7 years ago

Note: _export field allows us to say yes or no to export and indexing of a DOI. We may use this to suppress dissemination of DOIs for private/ualberta/dark items. In that case, we would need to address the change of status of items: e.g. to turn on _export when an item moves from private to public.

pgwillia commented 7 years ago

Took a quick look at -- implemented DOIs using ezid-client

pgwillia commented 7 years ago

Comments on unfactored ark code:

pgwillia commented 7 years ago

Assertion from stakeholders

Assertions from EZid


# helper method that DOI code might call to decide if a DOI needs minting
def needs_doi?
pgwillia commented 7 years ago

Some ezid trial and error

pgwillia commented 7 years ago

So I've got questions (see above) that probably need answering in order to do this right. Some for DOI implementers @mbarnett & @murny some for preservation experts @pbinkley & @umarqasim, some for service managers @leahvanderjagt and some for metadata @johnhuck et al. Can we break out for a quick conversation after standup tomorrow?

johnhuck commented 7 years ago

@pgwillia, yes, absolutely, although isn't tomorrow sprint review? Regardless, I will make myself available.

pgwillia commented 7 years ago

pgwillia commented 7 years ago

Thanks for talking this through with me! Here's what I heard decided:

We will:

We still need to think about:

johnhuck commented 7 years ago

@pgwillia The final decision about what :erc code to use to suppress metadata for private items has not been made. :unal is likely, but I would like a chance to consider the options.

pgwillia commented 7 years ago

@johnhuck -- apologies. I jumped the gun. Probably makes sense to communicate your decision on #1283

mbarnett commented 7 years ago

Yeah, #1283 is probably a good place for that. @murny is knee-deep in implementing this so I imagine he'll need a decision by the end of this sprint at the latest.

johnhuck commented 7 years ago

No worries. I will aim to have a decision within the next day or so. I'll add the information to #1283.

Another thought: we have the opportunity to supply a short explanatory message when setting the unavailable status for private items. Is that something we should try to decide now with the stakeholders, or leave for the moment?

mbarnett commented 7 years ago

Good question. We could probably hammer that out now.

johnhuck commented 7 years ago

I'll send an email to Sonya, Leah, and Sharon to get their input on the wording.