ualbertalib / HydraNorth

This repo is deprecated. Succeeded by This codebase was a IR built based on Samvera/Sufia
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HydraNorth Logo

The Stack:

HydraNorth Stack


(see for authoritative list)

To Install Application:

(see to apply Ansible playbook)

ansible-playbook hydranorth.yml

This assumes that you've created a hosts inventory with a hydranorth group. If not consider using the vagrant or dev inventories that exist

ansible-playbook -i vagrant hydranorth.yml

If you're using Vagrant the easiest path is to

vagrant up hydranorth

To Do Development Outside The Vagrant

Developers not wanting to have to ssh into the Vagrant to work on the application can mount the code from the host operating system by doing the following:

  1. ssh into the vagrant and back up the existing Hydranorth installation: mv /var/www/sites/hydranorth /var/www/sites/hydranorth.bak
  2. exit the vagrant and add the following to the Vagrant file above the provider line:

    config.vm.define "hydranorth", primary: true do |hydranorth|
    hydranorth.vm.synced_folder "<path to host's hydranorth repo directory>", "/var/www/sites/hydranorth"
    hydranorth.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
  3. reboot the vagrant
  4. ssh into the vagrant and symlink the jetty directory on the vagrant into place (java does not like it when the jetty directory is mounted on the Host's share):

    cd /var/www/sites/hydranorth
    ln -s /var/www/sites/hydranorth.bak/jetty jetty
  5. restart jetty & httpd

To Run Tests:


rake spec

To View Logs:

Relative to the application directory

To Restart Components

The shell script bin/restart-all runs these commands:

To Reset Components

The shell script bin/reset-all runs these commands:

  rake jetty:stop
  rake jetty:clean
  rake sufia:jetty:config
  rake jetty:start

Batch ingest

Ingest Dataverse Metadata

Generate Sitemap

for Google Scholar

Populating Local Geonames Authority

Configuring Shibboleth

Audit Fix

A set of rake tasks is also added for index jobs:

A shell script will update namespace uris

EZID DOI Configuration

For hydranorth to successfully create and maintain DOI's you must configure the environmental variables for EZID's API. For more details on these environmental variables see the secrets file at: config/secrets.yml. For non-production environments you can use the apitest test account provided by EZID by configuring it's password using the EZID_PASSWORD environment variable.