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External Triplestore #139

Closed pbinkley closed 7 years ago

pbinkley commented 9 years ago

As metadata team member, I want the ability to access all the triples of all the Fedora objects in an external triplestore in order to

The triplestore should be

See Piyapong's preliminary implementation of Fuseki, OpenRDF and Marmotta. See also #140 .

pgwillia commented 8 years ago

@piyapongch might be interested in a conversation!topic/ansible-project/2a96TqzVSN0

I have a Karaf setup with fuse-esb, not sure how they are different, but fuse has a "client" script which I use to launch commands. Here is a snippet of my task:

  • name: Execute Command in Karaf shell: "{{app_dir}}/{{fuse_esb_home}}/bin/client -h localhost -a {{karaf_port}} -u {{karaf_user}} -p {{karaf_password}} {{karaf_command}}"
piyapongch commented 7 years ago

I have installed fcrepo-camel-toolbox-4.5.2 on Karaf, OSGi server on Sheff server. I have successfully indexed the data in Fedora 4.2.0 on Plano to the Fuseki Triplestore on Sheff. I am still working on indexing data from Fedora 4.2.0 on Gillingham that has data close to the production server. Here is my notes about the triplestore work,

piyapongch commented 7 years ago

Triplestore Works

weiweishi commented 7 years ago

The decision is to let the metadata team test the triplestores @piyapongch set up, and we will make a decision about the triplestore selection for production in the future. We will split the remaining tasks into new tickets.