ualbertalib / NEOSDiscovery

Blacklight instance for the NEOS library consortium retired December 22, 2022
4 stars 2 forks source link

Discovery interface for NEOS Libraries

This is the code base for the NEOS Libraries discovery platform. Based on Project Blacklight.

To get the application up and running for development:

Setup up Discovery application.
This will get you production like data in Solr. Ensure that Solr is running but the rails server is not.

  1. clone this repository (git clone
  2. run bundle install
  3. bundle exec rails db:create && bundle exec rails db:migrate
  4. bundle exec rails s
  5. Point your browser to [http://localhost:3000/]()


At this time there is not a comprehensive test suite. There were tests which only cover the holdings table but they don't seem to be passing.

These are the main functions of the application

Welcome page

welcome page

Search landing page

search landing page

Search results


Item detail page and holdings table




History (search history page should contain your search)



Before release bump CHANGELOG and VERSION. For example:

Then tag a release using sematic versioning major.minor.patch. For example: 1.0.72

Historically Neil MacGregor has been our contact for deployment into staging (fowey) and production (haxby, neo-web-prd-1).