ualibraries / tinycon

A place to share technical topics with low preparation and no homework
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tinycon - University of Arizona Libraries

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tinycon (noun) - A place to learn and share technical topics with low preparation and no homework Open. Optional. Fun.

How it works

Every month, IT Professional from across the University of Arizona gather for a tiny conference with crowd-sourced topics. The topics are issues in this GitHub repository, and are chosen based on the number of thumbs-up (πŸ‘) reactions they receive.

See all proposed topics, sorted by thumbs-up reactions.

Suggesting and voting for topics

How to join

Tinycon is open to the public and you don't have to do anything to join. If you want to get an official invite delivered to your inbox every month, let me (Christopher Green) know by sending an email to and I will add you to the tinycon email list. The official invite tells you when and where we are going to meet and which topic was chosen.

Kinds of things to share (these make good topics)

For anything you're sharing, consider what takeaways you hope people can get from your topic. And for anything you're sharing; prepare your material if it's helpful to you, but remember that it's also helpful for others to see how you might approach and solve a problem. It's OK if you stumble through.

Every topic can be shared using a different format. Here are a few:
