uashogeschoolutrecht / redamoi

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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This repo is the basis for the bookdown reader of the "Exploratory Data Analysis & Data Mining" Course of the Master of Informatics at HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands.


The materials in this repo are under CC BY-NC 4.0 licence. Meaning you can use and adapt these materials for non-commercial ends as long as you provide proper credits and attribution to the copyright holder and the referenced sources (Marc A.T. Teunis, HU - 2021).

Render book

The material in this repo is a bookdown project. When you clone the repo to your local computer and you have R and RStudio installed, run the commands below to get a local html version of the book in the root of the cloned github repo. Open the project as an RStudio Project:



R and RStudio

The repo was developed to work with R version above or equal to version 4.0. If you want to learn which R packages are used as dependencies, you can take a look at the DESCRIPTION file in this repo. We advise developing and working with R in RStudio. You can download R and RStudio from these links:

Memory and System specifications

To run the code in this repository we recommend a system with at least 8 cores and 16 Gb of RAM. Building of the reader could consume even more resources and was preformed on a UBUNTU Virtual Machine running R Version: 4.1.1 (2021-08-10) -- "Kick Things" and RStudio Version: Version 1.4.1717 . This machine had


To work with Docker you need to have a Docker Deamon installed. See the Docker homepage for more details


To work with Git and to be able to clone repositories you need Git installed. See the Git homepage for details.

R package {devtools}

In order to install the edamoi as a package, you need to have the R packages {devtools} and {rmarkdown} available from your R environment. Run install.packages(c("devtools", "rmarkdown)) from the R Console to install it. Please be aware that for Linux based OS you will probably need underlying system dependencies to install {devtools}. Refere to the Public RStudio Package Manager page for {devtools}, to find the system requirements for your OS.

Getting started

This repo is basically an R package and a bookdown site. To provide a reproducible way to deploy the content on your preferred device/online, a Dockerfile is also included. The Dockerfile defines a Docker image that can be used to run and further develop the materials in RStudio and to build the bookdown site. If you are familiar with Docker, I advise you to look at section Docker. Below a step-wise instruction on how to get the materials and how to build the book. These steps assume you have all prerequisites listed above.


For users that want to create a Docker container running RStudio with a compatible version of R and all the dependencies as well as a pre-build version of the bookdown reader already available in the container:

There are many more options to the docker run command. See the Rocker project or Rocker on Docker Hub for more use cases.

The base image for the Docker image used here was derived from this repo: It is optimized for users on Mac with M1 Apple Silicon Chipset. I have not tested this Docker image on other OS or Mac Intel. Please file an issue if you are experiencing any problems.