ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-28_svkk

project-28_svkk created by GitHub Classroom
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Scrum Report 1 #1

Open silhuang opened 3 months ago

silhuang commented 3 months ago

Due Sunday, May 26th @10pm

One group member should make an issue in your project repo, and then each team member should make a comment on that issue. Include your NAME in your post (so we can give you a grade!)

Answer 3 questions:

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?
boopchoncc commented 3 months ago

Name: Kevin Poon.

  1. In the past iteration, I wrote the initial draft of the Project 1 specification and explored the Chat GPT API to successfully send and receive requests using javascript.
  2. No major issues but a challenge was deciding between a food recipe application and the cover letter/resume generator.
  3. In the coming iteration, I plan to work on refining the logic for Chat GPT’s requests to be more accurate, and work as a team to implement the front-end of the project.
Kurtisho commented 3 months ago

Name: Kurtis Ho

  1. I helped write the task requirements as well as draw up a lo-fi prototype to showcase some key elements that are part of our project
  2. There were no major issues or challenges.
  3. I plan to learn more about react and to help build the front end !
VishalV1807 commented 3 months ago

Name: Vishal Vaswani

  1. Suggested and helped in writing project requirements, helped and wrote the breakdown of the minimal requirements and also drew a lo-fi prototype of the account creation system for the progress 1.
  2. There were no major issue or challenges except we had 2 project ideas (this one and a recipe finder app) to select from.
  3. I plan to revise react, learn redux and help in making the project front-end in the next 2 weeks
silhuang commented 3 months ago

Name: Silvana Huang

  1. Wrote the project description and requirements for the alternative RecipeFinder project idea, provided feedback for the first iteration of the Application Tailor idea, collaborated with team members to discuss and complete Progress 1, including drawing a prototype of the job application dashboard, initialized the Github Repo and updated the readme with our finished Progress 1.
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Other than having two different project ideas at first and having trouble deciding between the two before receiving TA and instructor feedback, there were no major issues/challenges we encountered.
  3. I plan on learning react + redux and brushing up on figma to help with the design and frontend of our project