ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-28_svkk

project-28_svkk created by GitHub Classroom
MIT License
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Team SVKK (Group 28) - Project Title: Application Tailor

Describe your topic/interest in about 150-200 words

The goal of this application is to help match students to their internships based on their current qualifications, minimizing the time consumed in the application process, resulting in an increased success rate during the co-op job search term. This application aims to achieve this by automating the 15-30 mins spent on tailoring a Resume and/or Cover Letter for every job posting. In an economy that requires at least 30 applications sent each week during classes, this often comes at the expense of student’s grades and more importantly their mental health, affecting their long term prospects. This application aims to mitigate these unnecessary drawbacks while maintaining the quality and authenticity of each job application.

Progress 1

Project Description: Write 3-5 sentences on your project topic. (try to address all points below)

Project task requirements:

Pick 2 of your minimal requirements and break each of them down into ~2-5 smaller tasks! This will help you divide up work among your teammates.

Users can Create accounts

Finally, draw 2-3 rough sketch prototypes of some key tasks of your app. Sketch these physically on paper and then scan and add to your repo. (If you’d like to use sketch/prototype software because that’s easier somehow, you can, but we’d advise against it as these prototypes should be low-fidelity (i.e. look bad)).

Team Members


{You should use this area to add a screenshot of your app or website }


{Add your stuff here}