ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-28_svkk

project-28_svkk created by GitHub Classroom
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Scrum Report 2 #2

Open boopchoncc opened 3 months ago

boopchoncc commented 3 months ago

Due Sunday, June 9th @10PM

One group member should make an issue in your project repo, and then each team member should make a comment on that issue. Include your NAME in your post (so we can give you a grade!)

Answer 3 questions:

boopchoncc commented 3 months ago

Name: Kevin Poon.

  1. In the past iteration, I wrote the CoverLetterPage.jsx, WhitePageDisplay.jsx, and DropDownMenu.jsx components for Project 2. I used react and integrated a basic Chat-GPT API request.
  2. No major issues or challenges.
  3. In the coming iteration, I plan to move the Chat-GPT API request to the backend server, and have the front-end communicate with the back-end using GET/PUT/POST etc requests. I also plan to refactor my react code to use redux to maintain state.
VishalV1807 commented 3 months ago

Name: Vishal Vaswani

  1. I made the login and signup components called Login.jsx and Signup.jsx, helped in designing the component structure of the project and in deciding the styling for our project.
  2. I didn't face any issues.
  3. In coming iteration, I plan to help the team with the redux related tasks outlined in progress 3.
Kurtisho commented 3 months ago

Name: Kurtis Ho

  1. I wrote the NavBar.jsx component as well as helped in deciding the styling of our project.
  2. Only issue I had was trying to adjust my sub components to be where I wanted them to be. Took a lot of trial and error until I was satisfied.
  3. I plan to help the team set up any redux related tasks given by progress 3.
silhuang commented 3 months ago

Name: Silvana Huang

    • Built the components of the job application dashboard, which included Job.jsx, JobList.jsx and JobsContainer.jsx with a pre-populated list of job applications using Redux.
    • Tweaked the styling of the other components to maintain consistency and support responsiveness.
    • Lead the group in deciding on our project's styling, and incorporated pagination to our application using react-router-dom.
  1. It was a bit tough at first organizing the layout of the subcomponents and also getting them to display the way I wanted to
  2. I plan on implementing the add, delete and edit job functions, which will involve dispatching actions to the appropriate reducers to change the state of the store. I also want to refine our UI and look into creating a logo if time permits.