ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-28_svkk

project-28_svkk created by GitHub Classroom
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Scrum Report 3 #3

Open boopchoncc opened 2 months ago

boopchoncc commented 2 months ago

Due Sunday, June 23th @10PM

One group member should make an issue in your project repo, and then each team member should make a comment on that issue. Include your NAME in your post (so we can give you a grade!)

Answer 3 questions:

boopchoncc commented 2 months ago

Name: Kevin Poon.

  1. In the past iteration, I changed CoverLetterPage.jsx to connect with the backend and use redux instead of local react component variables. I implemented back-end logic for a pseudo-login system using username, password, and authentication tokens.
  2. It was a little challenging when converting from react locals to redux and creating a backend at the same time, and dealing with merge conflicts.
  3. In the coming iteration, I plan to figure out the merge issue and help the group with integrating the database.
silhuang commented 2 months ago

Name: Silvana Huang

  1. I implemented the functionality for editing a job (put request) and integrated the server for loading the initial job list (get request), as well as clarifying requirements for other tasks and helping out with debugging.
  2. No major challenges encountered for my part
  3. I plan to help with refactoring the CoverLetterPage.jsx component to break it down into subcomponents and separating the redux files for each type of document if necessary. I will also try implementing the filtering jobs function, designing the interface using Chakra UI design library and the logo.
Kurtisho commented 2 months ago

Name: Kurtis Ho

  1. I implemented the cover letter templates and added some styling
  2. n/a
  3. I will help set up the DB as well as incorporate Chakra UI for styling
VishalV1807 commented 2 months ago

Name: Vishal Vaswani

  1. I worked on redux and helped in adding the add a job to the joblist, delete a job from the joblist and search job functionalities to the project and also made some api endpoints in the backend to support this.
  2. I faced no major issues.
  3. I will help with the setup of a mongodb database, adding some necessary CRUD operations and try to assist my team if they run into issues