ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-28_svkk

project-28_svkk created by GitHub Classroom
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Scrum Report 4 #5

Open boopchoncc opened 3 months ago

boopchoncc commented 3 months ago

Due Sunday, Jul 14 @10PM

One group member should make an issue in your project repo, and then each team member should make a comment on that issue. Include your NAME in your post (so we can give you a grade!)

Answer 3 questions:

boopchoncc commented 3 months ago

Name: Kevin Poon.

  1. In the past iteration, I updated the endpoints to communicate with the database to get post delete documents according to the logged in account.
  2. No challenges in this iteration.
  3. In the coming iteration, I plan to improve the cover letter page and help the group with deployment.
silhuang commented 3 months ago

Name: Silvana Huang

  1. I worked on retrieving all job applications on the database that correspond with the user's email, adding and editing jobs.
  2. I ran into difficulties when trying to implement 'sort jobs by date applied'. There was an issue of rendering a mui dropdown menu in the component that lists all the jobs, and an infinite loop of GET requests the the sorting endpoint. Also, I couldn't figure out why 'Cover Letter Used' and 'Tailored Cover Letter Used' were not displaying.
  3. I plan to implement suggested improvement from today's design workshop, help with the UI overhaul and deployment.
VishalV1807 commented 3 months ago

Name: Vishal Vaswani

  1. Worked on adding email to redux global state and set its value to the email of the user that logged in, by making the userEmailSlice and reducers. Updated the "delete jobs" functionality by connecting it to mongoDB. Also updated the "search jobs" functionality to use mongoDB database and improved it so that users can search by both job title and the company name.
  2. I didn't face any major issues.
  3. Help in Improving the UI of the project, assist my teammates if I think they need help and also help the team in completing progress 5 requirements
Kurtisho commented 3 months ago

Name: Kurtis Ho

  1. Worked on sign up / login process and adding users to db. Also added hashed passwords.
  2. N/a
  3. Plan on helping in UI overhaul as well as progress 5 requirements