ubcuas / GCOM-2025

GCOM-2025 Repo
1 stars 0 forks source link


Getting Started

If you are on Windows, you will need to run this whole project in WSL

  1. Install Poetry and Redis
  2. poetry install to install all Python dependencies

Running the Server

If you are on Windows, you will need to run this whole project in WSL

  1. Start Redis Server (if not already running): redis-server
  2. Start GCOM: poetry run python server.py (in /src)
  3. Start Celery Worker: poetry run python -m celery -A gcom worker (in /src)

Major Dependencies



This project uses poetry. To install poetry, follow the guide on the website. Then run: poetry install to install required dependencies. Some relavent commands you may want to know:


Documentation is automatically generated by drf-spectacular to the OpenAPIv3 standard. Sometimes, you may wish your endpoints be displayed a bit differently and you can use the @extend_schema decorator to further control how your endpoint is displayed.