uber-go / tally

A Go metrics interface with fast buffered metrics and third party reporters
MIT License
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Fast, buffered, hierarchical stats collection in Go.


go get -u github.com/uber-go/tally


Tally provides a common interface for emitting metrics, while letting you not worry about the velocity of metrics emission.

By default it buffers counters, gauges and histograms at a specified interval but does not buffer timer values. This is primarily so timer values can have all their values sampled if desired and if not they can be sampled as summaries or histograms independently by a reporter.



Acquire a Scope

reporter = NewMyStatsReporter()  // Implement as you will
tags := map[string]string{
    "dc": "east-1",
    "type": "master",
reportEvery := time.Second

scope := tally.NewRootScope(tally.ScopeOptions{
    Tags: tags,
    Reporter: reporter,
}, reportEvery)

Get/Create a metric, use it

// Get a counter, increment a counter
reqCounter := scope.Counter("requests")  // cache me

queueGauge := scope.Gauge("queue_length")  // cache me

Report your metrics

Use the inbuilt statsd reporter:

import (
    tallystatsd "github.com/uber-go/tally/statsd"
    // ...

func newScope() (tally.Scope, io.Closer) {
    statter, _ := statsd.NewBufferedClient("",
        "stats", 100*time.Millisecond, 1440)

    reporter := tallystatsd.NewReporter(statter, tallystatsd.Options{
        SampleRate: 1.0,

    scope, closer := tally.NewRootScope(tally.ScopeOptions{
        Prefix:   "my-service",
        Tags:     map[string]string{},
        Reporter: reporter,
    }, time.Second)

    return scope, closer

Implement your own reporter using the StatsReporter interface:

// BaseStatsReporter implements the shared reporter methods.
type BaseStatsReporter interface {
    Capabilities() Capabilities

// StatsReporter is a backend for Scopes to report metrics to.
type StatsReporter interface {

    // ReportCounter reports a counter value
        name string,
        tags map[string]string,
        value int64,

    // ReportGauge reports a gauge value
        name string,
        tags map[string]string,
        value float64,

    // ReportTimer reports a timer value
        name string,
        tags map[string]string,
        interval time.Duration,

    // ReportHistogramValueSamples reports histogram samples for a bucket
        name string,
        tags map[string]string,
        buckets Buckets,
        bucketUpperBound float64,
        samples int64,

    // ReportHistogramDurationSamples reports histogram samples for a bucket
        name string,
        tags map[string]string,
        buckets Buckets,
        bucketUpperBound time.Duration,
        samples int64,

Or implement your own metrics implementation that matches the tally Scope interface to use different buffering semantics:

type Scope interface {
    // Counter returns the Counter object corresponding to the name.
    Counter(name string) Counter

    // Gauge returns the Gauge object corresponding to the name.
    Gauge(name string) Gauge

    // Timer returns the Timer object corresponding to the name.
    Timer(name string) Timer

    // Histogram returns the Histogram object corresponding to the name.
    // To use default value and duration buckets configured for the scope
    // simply pass tally.DefaultBuckets or nil.
    // You can use tally.ValueBuckets{x, y, ...} for value buckets.
    // You can use tally.DurationBuckets{x, y, ...} for duration buckets.
    // You can use tally.MustMakeLinearValueBuckets(start, width, count) for linear values.
    // You can use tally.MustMakeLinearDurationBuckets(start, width, count) for linear durations.
    // You can use tally.MustMakeExponentialValueBuckets(start, factor, count) for exponential values.
    // You can use tally.MustMakeExponentialDurationBuckets(start, factor, count) for exponential durations.
    Histogram(name string, buckets Buckets) Histogram

    // Tagged returns a new child scope with the given tags and current tags.
    Tagged(tags map[string]string) Scope

    // SubScope returns a new child scope appending a further name prefix.
    SubScope(name string) Scope

    // Capabilities returns a description of metrics reporting capabilities.
    Capabilities() Capabilities

// Capabilities is a description of metrics reporting capabilities.
type Capabilities interface {
    // Reporting returns whether the reporter has the ability to actively report.
    Reporting() bool

    // Tagging returns whether the reporter has the capability for tagged metrics.
    Tagging() bool


This stuff needs to be fast. With that in mind, we avoid locks and unnecessary memory allocations.

BenchmarkCounterInc-8                   200000000            7.68 ns/op
BenchmarkReportCounterNoData-8          300000000            4.88 ns/op
BenchmarkReportCounterWithData-8        100000000           21.6 ns/op
BenchmarkGaugeSet-8                     100000000           16.0 ns/op
BenchmarkReportGaugeNoData-8            100000000           10.4 ns/op
BenchmarkReportGaugeWithData-8          50000000            27.6 ns/op
BenchmarkTimerInterval-8                50000000            37.7 ns/op
BenchmarkTimerReport-8                  300000000            5.69 ns/op

Released under the MIT License.