uber-research / intrinsic-dimension

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Measuring the Intrinsic Dimension of Objective Landscapes

This repository contains source code necessary to reproduce the results presented in the paper Measuring the Intrinsic Dimension of Objective Landscapes (ICLR 2018):

  title={Measuring the Intrinsic Dimension of Objective Landscapes},
  author={Li, Chunyuan and Farkhoor, Heerad and Liu, Rosanne and Yosinski, Jason},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},

For more on this project, see the Uber AI Labs Blog post.


There are four steps to use this codebase to reproduce the results in the paper.

  1. Dependencies
  2. Prepare datasets
  3. Subspace training
    1. Subspace training on image classification tasks
    2. Subspace training on reinforcement learning tasks
    3. Subspace training of ImageNet classification on distributed GPUs
  4. Collect and plot results


This code is based on Python 2.7, with the main dependencies being TensorFlow==1.7.0 and Keras==2.1.5. Additional dependencies for running experiments are: numpy, h5py, IPython, colorama, scikit-learn. To install all requirements, run

pip install -r requirements.txt

Prepare datasets

We consider the following datasets: MNIST (Standard, Shuffled-Pixel and Shuffled-Label versions), CIFAR-10, and ImageNet. For convenience, we provide pre-processed and pre-shuffled versions of all datasets (except ImageNet) in one download file. Data are prepared in hdf5 format, with train.h5 and test.h5 representing separate sets of training and test. Each .h5 file has the same fields: images and labels.

Datasets can be downloaded here (zip version is 347 MB, and the full size is 1.5G). To unzip:

tar xvzf dataset.tar.gz

Put the downloaded and unzipped data in any directory and supply the relative path to *.h5 to python script when executing (see Train models for examples). For the below examples, it will be assumed the untarred dataset directory is a (possibly symlinked) subdirectory of intrinsic_dim, so, e.g., ls intrinsic_dim/dataset/mnist/train.h5 should work.

Subspace training

We employ custom Keras layers for the special projection from subspace to full parameter space. The custom random projection layers (layer objects starting with RProj) are in keras-ext and used to construct models, e.g. in intrinsic_dim/model_builders.py. The main training script is train.py and conducts the training loop, taking the following options (among others) as arguments:

For more options, please see standard_parser.py and train.py, or just run ./train.py -h.

1. Subspace training on image classification tasks

First, to run direct training in the full parameter space as the baseline, select an architecture with _dir and do not add projection type. For example, to train a MNIST MLP network 784-200-200-10 (full parameter size: 986,643):

python ./train.py path-to-mnist-data/train.h5 path-to-mnist-data/test.h5 
    -E 100 --opt adam --lr 0.001 --l2 1e-05 --arch mnistfc_dir --depth 2 --width 200

To train the same network, but in a subspace of 1000, with various projection methods:

python ./train.py path-to-mnist-data/train.h5 path-to-mnist-data/test.h5 
    -E 100 --opt adam --lr 0.001 --l2 1e-05 --arch mnistfc --depth 2 --width 200 
    --vsize 1000 --fastfoodproj

python ./train.py path-to-mnist-data/train.h5 path-to-mnist-data/test.h5 
    -E 100 --opt adam --lr 0.001 --l2 1e-05 --arch mnistfc --depth 2 --width 200 
    --vsize 1000 --denseproj

python ./train.py path-to-mnist-data/train.h5 path-to-mnist-data/test.h5 
    -E 100 --opt adam --lr 0.001 --l2 1e-05 --arch mnistfc --depth 2 --width 200 
    --vsize 1000 --sparseproj

To further explore the toy problem in Section 2, you can check out the file train_toy.py.

2. Subspace training on reinforcement learning tasks

For example, to train 2-layer FC with width 200 on CartPole and subspace dimension as 20,

python ./train_dqn.py --vsize 20 --opt adam --lr 0.0001 --l2 0.0001 
--env_name 'CartPole-v0' --arch fc --width 200 --output results/rl_results/fnn_cartpole

3. Subspace training of ImageNet classification on distributed GPUs

An easy adoption of the software package horovod allows for distributed training on many GPUs, which is helpful for large scale tasks like ImageNet. See train_distributed.py for details and for an impression how little the incurred changes are from train.py.

Follow horovod documentations for MPI and NCLL setup. Once they are, the script is executed like this:

mpirun -np 4 ./train_distrbuted.py path-to-imagenet-data/train.h5 path-to-imagenet-data/test.h5 -E 100

Collect and plot results

Once the networks are trained and the results are saved, we extracted key results using Python script. We scan the performnace across different subspace dimensions, find the intrinsic dimension and plot the results.

The results can be plotted using the included IPython notebook plots/main_plots.ipynb. Start the IPython Notebook server:

$ cd plots
$ ipython notebook

Select the main_plots.ipynb notebook and execute the included code. Note that without modification, we have copyed our extracted results into the notebook, and script will output figures in the paper. If you've run your own training and wish to plot results, you'll have to organize your results in the same format instead.

_Shortcut: to skip all the work and just see the results, take a look at this notebook with cached plots._


Please drop us (Chunyuan, Rosanne or Jason) a line if you have any questions.