Closed shubhamBETA closed 1 month ago
Hey @shubhamBETA thanks a lot for reaching out. While this is a rust codebase (or a rust based tool), we do not expose it as a rust library. We rather publish it as a python package on pip.
Is there a specific reason you want to use it as a rust library? You could potentially contribute to cleanup its current rust-api and expose it as a rust library too. But publishing at is something that Uber OSS will have to do. We will have to check that with deigo, though . At Uber, the tool is used as a Python library.
Thanks Ameya for responding.
On a side note, read you and your team's blogs for the stuff being built at, Pretty cool stuff man!
I'll mark this as closed. Thanks Shubham
There are a bunch of examples here - You can use these to get yourself started
ITs a 100% rust library, we use to create a python api
okay, makes sense. I will take a look. Thanks!
Issue Description:
We are interested in using this Rust library in our internal systems. To facilitate the possible integration, we kindly request that the active maintainer of the package consider publishing this package to, the official Rust package registry.
Publishing to is the only way we can use this library as internally all third party imports are approved to be taken from
I checked with the author of the library (Murali Krishna Ramanathan), he asked me to open this Github ticket so that active maintainer can help us out here.
Thank you for considering this request and for your valuable contribution to the Rust ecosystem.