uber / piranha

A tool for refactoring code related to feature flag APIs
Apache License 2.0
2.25k stars 188 forks source link
ast ast-matcher clang-plugin code-management code-quality deadcode feature-flags feature-toggles java javascript objective-c refactoring refactoring-tools stale-flags swift swift-syntax


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Feature flags are commonly used to enable gradual rollout or experiment with new features. In a few cases, even after the purpose of the flag is accomplished, the code pertaining to the feature flag is not removed. We refer to such flags as stale flags. The presence of code pertaining to stale flags can have the following drawbacks:

Piranha is a tool to automatically refactor code related to stale flags. At a higher level, the input to the tool is the name of the flag and the expected behavior, after specifying a list of APIs related to flags in a properties file. Piranha will use these inputs to automatically refactor the code according to the expected behavior.

This repository contains four independent versions of Piranha, one for each of the four supported languages: Java, JavaScript, Objective-C and Swift. It also contains a redesigned variant of Piranha (as of May 2022) that is a common refactoring tool to support multiple languages and feature flag APIs. If interested in this polyglot variant, goto Polyglot Piranha.

To use/build each version, look under the corresponding [lang]/ directory and follow instructions in the corresponding [lang]/README.md file. Make sure to cd into that directory to build any related code following the instructions in the README.

A few additional links on Piranha:


If you have any questions on how to use Piranha, please feel free to reach out to us on the gitter channel. For bugs and enhancement requests, open a GitHub issue.


We'd love for you to contribute to Piranha! Please note that once you create a pull request, you will be asked to sign our Uber Contributor License Agreement.

We are also looking for contributions to extend Piranha to other languages (C++, C#, Kotlin).


Piranha is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.